"Why do you do this?" Doc Paragon suddenly asked.

Link Fox was sitting next to him, eating from a bowl of pop corn as he watched the training session. "I'm sorry?"

"You should be down there with the rest of the team, you know that," Paragon calmly stated.

Fox threw a single pop corn into the air and caught it with his mouth. After having swallowed it, he spoke. "I'm a complex man, William. I have my reasons."

"They will find out sooner or later..."

"Not if I can help it."


"My abillity is pretty easy to hide. I've been doing it for years. People never notice..."

"This is different."

"Sure, it's gonna be a little harder, but it's not impossible."

"That is not what I mean. This is a matter of trust. How can you earn your teammates' trust if you hide something like this from them? We are all here for the same reason, Link. There's no need for--"

"Aw, come on! Don't be like that. It'll be alright. You'll see."

"I hope so." Paragon sat back on his chair and watched the group in action. After a while, he looked at Fox again. "What is it you are so afriad of anyway?"

"Me? Nothing." Fox seemed very confident. But Paragon knew better. "Conversation over."