Doc Paragon watched as the conflict escalated. "The safety protocols are in affect?"

{Of course. I am not an amateur, you know. Once, on Betalon, I had a second job refereeing the.....}

"That's quite enough," Paragon interjected into Jym's rant. "I just don't want any of them getting hurt."

"Does this thing get HBO?" Link Fox said while trying to find a button to change the channel of one of the monitors. "I'd hate to miss The Sopranos."

Drake clawed at the ground around him, trying to find something solid to hold on to and stop his decent into the computer generated landscape. Phouka stood a yard or two in front of him, no longer paying the ex-vigilante any attention.

Instead, the Phouka simulation was eyeing another target. His palm crackled with Chaos as another ball of energy collected. His attention focused in on the flying duo of Icarus and Adem. A line of magnalite (a combination of magnesium and aluminum) wire wrapped around his wrist. A hard tug pulled his hand back and caused the Chaos ball to fall out of Phouka's hand and crash down around his feet. "I hate it when that happens." A blinding flash of light transformed him from a computer simulation of a human with strange chaos powers to a computer simulation of a statue of Bea Arthur crossing the Potomac.

"Wow!" Drake said as his hands pulled along the wire, dragging his body up from the pit. "That really is random."

Lykopis parried and countered Grimm's terrifying blows. She could not match his strength, and he could not match her speed and experience. Her sword pierced him several times without stopping him. The Amazon began to realize that there was no way to fell her opponent with blades or clubs. Drake's sword lay on the ground at her feet. It is then that the age old warrior came up with a plan.

In beautiful, fluid motions her body collapsed to the ground as her legs shot forwards and scissored outwards to connect behind Grimm's kneecaps. Her left hand grasped hold of Drake's sword. She bounced herself up off the ground and drove her shoulder into the large man's chest. His shift in weight folded his knees under him, sending him crashing to the ground. Lykopis leapt into the air brandishing a sword in each hand. Her voice sang out a vicious and fear inspiring battle cry from times long buried and forgotten. The blades tore through Grimm's body just underneath both shoulder blades. The force of the Amazon's fall embedded both swords to the hilt. Lykopis quickly rolled off and sprinted to help the rest of her team while leaving the Grimm simulant pinned to the ground.