Notwedge: Man, you have really taken off with Drake! I'm really digging the personal aspects of his character, and look forward to getting into writing him again.

Doc : My love for Adem Different grows each day. We've discussed what I feel about the character. It's the detective in him that I find the most fun.

Mxy : I'm very curious as to what's up with Link. Got to say, so far, I really enjoy his hippy-ish attitudes. Very contradictory with the wealthy playboy stereotype. Good stuff.

Chewy : Is Icarus Russian? If so, does he have an accent or is he Americanized? Also, does he carry weaponry, like small firearms or something? I think a nice pistol would compliment his look and fighting style.

CJ: So, what are Lykopis' true motivations? Is it just somewhere else to be, something to do in her long, long life? Or is she with VE, still intent on finding immortality? Have I got her character ass-backwards? Give me a hand.

Grimm: I had so many flashes of Marlon Brando and Terrence Stamp in that last post. LOVE it! Your wording and presence in that post was very pure and precise. Give me more.

Ozzy : Are you ever going to get there? Are you ever going to actually bring Ozzy into the group? What is your fascination with this Ian character anyway? And, is he gay, or, was that a joke? Nice use of Huerta, though. That character needs some exploration.