Julius Marx recently posted the following information on his website:
Mattel will once again have an exclusive Batman figure at Comic Con International and WizardWorld Chicago. Mattel has yet to issue a definitive statement, but suspect there will be a regular edition and a “chase” variant. Apparently, there is not one, not two- but THREE different versions of Batman unmasking. Sources say will still be 3000 pieces split between the cons, and the 3 variations will be unevenly split among the 3000 and you won’t know which one you’ve gotten until you open the outer package.
The figure is a black and gray Zipline Batman with repositioned arms, new gloves and a couple of new heads. The chase is rumored to be fully unmasked with the cowl laying back on his cape. Again- these are only rumors, but they come from a good source.
Below is an image of one of the aforementioned figures: