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Dr. William L. Paragon aka Doc Paragon Founder of Paragon Industries, based in Los Angeles, CA. Height: 6'6" Weight: 265 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: White Age: 35
Doc Paragon comes from a parallel universe whose timeline was erased. The following info is from Paragon's home universe.
Doc Paragon is a little bit of Doc Savage, a little bit of Golden Age Superman. He has developed an array of super abilities through as yet unrevealed means. These abilities include, superstrength, invulnerability, and limited flight. He may develop more such powers in the future. Doc Paragon can only use one of his powers at a time, however. He has also introduced a psychic failsafe mechanism through hypnosis that insures if he should use his abilities in a selfish or otherwise corrupt manner, they will instantly cancel out.
Doc Paragon wants to help solve the world's problems including, crime, hunger, poverty, etc. To that end, he has founded Paragon Industries, a not for profit organization dedicated to finding cures for these problems. Doc Paragon was given a special agent status by the LA police dept. after aiding them in their hunt for rogue psychiatrist Howard Bender.
Doc Paragon favors all-white business suits.
CEO, scientist, humanitarian, author, adventurer. Doc Paragon wants to make a finer world, but he realizes that he cannot do it alone, so he has founded Vanguard Europe as a means toward that end.
He's bright, affable, charming, assertive, and bold. He can get along with anyone and has friends in many differing social circles.
*Note: Doc Paragon is not on the field team, but will give them their assignments. This does not mean he isn't active during the stories, and he may occasionally join the group on particularly dangerous missions.
Let me tell you something, just because something is in a graphic format doesn't mean it needs to be apologized for. And just because a novel is serious, doesn't mean it's serious fiction. The only thing comics should worry about is telling a good story. You do that and people will find it.
-Brad Meltzer
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Edmund Gaunt The Shadow Chancellor
Height: 6'3 Weight: indeterminate Hair: Black, slicked back on scalp Eyes: Unknown, never removes his sunglasses
Physical Description: Edmund Gaunt is tall and lean, with pale white skin and somewhat angular features. He wears dark grey suits and tie with black shirts, and black shoes and socks. Covered with a black leather overcoat. And sunglasses. On his left hand, he wears a silver skull ring. His body is covered with elaborate black tattooes that are actually protective sigils. On the back of his right hand, for instance, is a chaos shield. His fight forearm, bears an elaborate cross. Most of these are never seen, due to the amount of clothing he wears.
Powers: Gaunt is a shadowmorph. He can control and merge with shadows, create objects from them, and travel through them.
Personality: Gaunt is very aloof and generally keeps to himself. He will speak up when he has a concern about something, or on the very rare instance when he compliments a teammate. He is not angry or mean, just very businesslike and professional. He is very long lived and tends to keep from developing relationships with people.
"I am the Shadow Chancellor. I govern the twilight worlds." Edmund Gaunt
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Lady Lykopis
Meaning 'she-wolf' in Greek, Lykopis is one of the oldest metahumans around. She was born around 735 BC, though the exact date is unknown. She, along with several of the female members of the family, seemed deathless. Upon reaching a mature age (early-to-mid twenties), the aging process seemed to stop. Realizing their ageless advantages over their male counterparts, the 'sisters' seized power and became great warriors. These 'Amazons' fought in the pre-Alexander days of Greece.
However, being ageless did not mean being immortal. As the years went by, the Amazons decreased in number, as one by one, they fell by the sword. Lykopis watched as her aunts, sisters, cousins, and her own mother were killed. By the time Alexander the Great came to power in 336 BC, she was the only Amazon remaining. Not wanting to die like her kin, Lykopis vanished, and hid herself for a period of time.
However, after centuries of being a warrior, Lykopis could simply not retire. She spent all her time in study, reading literature, learning new languages, and sharpening her fighting skills, with the goal of being the greatest warrior. After almost three thousand years, she has almost reached her goal.
Lykopis was a brief member of the Strikeforce, but quit after the team failed to retake Manhatten. Merlin paid her with a drink that made her invincible. This supernatural liquid has always been in the back of Lykopis's mind, as she still desires it.
Nature and Personality
Lykopis has changed over the years. As a girl she was the typical Greek child, obedient to her father, expecting to marry a stranger twice her age. When her meta-powers manifested, Lykopis switched into a man-hating warrior, the perfect 'Amazon' (her mother, once she became an Amazon, changed her name to Androameia, meaning 'Subduer of Men'). Naturally, she was grieved when the other Amazons died, but that soon gave way to boredom and lonelyness. Now in this present age Lykopis is driven to excel, full of arogent pride, and never rests. She strives to perfection. After years of working alone, her team skills are almost non-existant, which makes working with Vanguard difficult at some moments. In private moments, however, she seems almost weary and tired from all the intense years.
Skills and Powers
Lykopis' one meta-power is her inability to age. She is perpetually in her twenties. This does not make her immortal, since she still can be killed.
Over the course of almost three thousand years, Lykopis has developed several fighting styles. However, she favors the old Greek weapons. She is also an excellent tactian. Anyone fighting Lykopis would have to outfight or outsmart her.
Writing tips
I've place little emphasis on Lykopis's figure, mostly to allow the reader to imagine Lykopis in their own ideal form. So, I do not mention her height or her weight. Also, one thing I have been doing in this Intro story is altered her speaking style a bit. If you notice, she doesn't use contractions. I like the way that works and would like to encourage anyone that writes Lykopis's speaking to follow the same rule.
"You're either lying or stupid." "I'm stupid! I'm stupid!" Megatron and Starscream
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Penny Goodweather
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 132
Penny Goodweather knew she was different from her friends at a young age. She did not forget anything. While other students struggled learning vocabulary definitions or mathmatical problems, Penny simply had to read through a problem or a lesson once and understood all the concepts.
It wasn't until her parents bought her a computer for her sixteenth birthday that Penny realized her other talent. She could type without touching a keyboard. She could command a printer or a fax machine with her mind. It seemed she could manipulate electronic signals with her brain.
Penny used these talents to work for several businesses. Only her last employer, George Wilson of the British Parliment, knew her metahuman trait. He was killed by an Aisling assassin, and Penny sought employment at Vanguard Europe.
Of all the employes at 25 Ansgar Street, Penny spends more time there than any other. She is the head secretary, and keeps everything in perfect, memorized order. Unlike most of the other employees, she owns a flat in Munich, ensuring that at least one Vanguard member will be close to the headquarters if trouble arrives. She lives with her cat, Oscar.
Nature and Personality
Penny Goodweather has never been much of a fighter. She shows a keen interest in what Vanguard does, and she's always on top of things, making sure everything runs smoothly. But she also understands she doesn't work in the field. And that's fine with her. Penny feels safer around her modern electronics than carry a gun or a mace into battle.
At work, she is professional and courious. However, she is less graceful after hours. Her shyness can sometimes be mistaken for rudeness.
Skills and Powers
Penny has a photographic memory. She also can manipulate and communicate with electronic devices. This allows her to keep exact records of everything. Very useful.
Writing Tips
Naturally, I based part of Penny on the other great secretary, Moneypenny. Miss Goodweather is there when the team leaves, and she's there to welcome them back from their mission.
"You're either lying or stupid." "I'm stupid! I'm stupid!" Megatron and Starscream
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Link Fox
Hair: Grey Eyes: Blue Skin: Somewhat tanned Height: Medium Weight: Normal Occupation: Millionaire
Physical Description: Slicked back hair. Slim. Not muscular at all. No definite clothing. He wears everything from shorts and shirts to expensive business suits.
Personality: Relaxed. Capable of telling a joke but not a joker. In spite of his apparent charisma, he's a bit of a loner and tends to keep his thoughts to himself. Presents himself in a frivolous manner hoping to be underestimated.
Background: To be revealed in the story.
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Icarus Sidewinder
Age: 24 Height: 5'9" Weight: 168 lbs. Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue
Physical Description: A military man, Icarus Sidewinder is well-built and his years of physical training are evident just by looking at him. He's a typical pretty boy with blonde hair pouring down to his neck and sparkling blue eyes. When not 'in uniform', he can largely be seen wearing form-fitting t-shirts and blue jeans, along with a pair of sneakers. When on a mission, however, he can always be seen in his charcoal grey, radar-invisible flight suit, helmut, and rocket pack.
Powers: While Icarus is not a member of the metahuman community, thanks to the power of technology, he has been gifted with the power of flight. Combining European military efficiency with his father's own brilliant mechanical mind, Sidewinder was chosen to pilot a top secret jet pack. Using a modified mini-jet engine and a combination of solar and electrical energies, Icarus' flight pack enables him to soar into the upper atmospheres (provided he is wearing his breathing apparatus) and, at best, allows him to reach speeds approaching - but not yet breaching - Mach One. His flight suit, made of an experimental polymer, protects his body from harm while in flight and allows him to maintain radar invisibility as well. Sidewinder's pack is also lightweight, enabling him to fight hand-to-hand when necessary.
Personality: To say that Icarus is the easiest person to get along with would be a laughable suggestion. A hotshot young pilot, Sidewinder possesses little-to-no tact and definitely comes across as abrasive and arrogant to those he meets. While this may or may not be intentional on his part, Icarus has seemingly done nothing to mend any ruptures in relationships... as he is usually oblivious to any wrongdoing at all.
Background: Since boyhood, Icarus Sidewinder has always dreamed of flying. His father, D. Victor Sidewinder, was the head of the Russian aeronautics division in the seventies and, later, was voted the head of the European Union's aerospace division. Using his father's influence, Icarus enlisted in the military, wanting to fly. He quickly became one of the top pilots in his class and became the youngest man to ever make the rank of Captain at age 20. However, he was court martialed a year later due to possession and use of cocaine and heroin. After six months in detox and rehab, he was enlisted as a top secret test pilot for the EU. Due to his sketchy history, all records of his past were erased and documents were released that he had died in rehab. Given a clean bill of health, Sidewinder began working with his father, piloting the crafts that no one ever knew about. The latest of these is the smallest, fastest, most energy efficient jet pack ever created, which Sidewinder has greatly enjoyed. When Doc Paragon (who has financial interest in the project) came to see a test of the pack, he immediately drafted Icarus Sidewinder as a member of Vanguard Europe...
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Drake Marshall
Age: mid 20's
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 234 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Physical Description: Drake has a rather plain, unremarkable face. Not ugly by any means but nothing very remarkable about it. He usually wears his hair short and stays clean shaven. He's extremely well built, pretty much built like a gymnast but he typically keeps his build covered up when he's in civilian clothes because he doesn't really want to draw attention to himself. Typically he wears a light suit of dark green body armor with a black overcoat on missions. The overcoat has many inside pockets to hold his collection of gadgets. He dresses pretty casually otherwise, often in a shirt from Marquette University. He's added some more professional clothes to his wardrobe recently, but he prefers comfort whenever possible.
Powers:Drake posesses a superhuman rate of healing as well as superhuman endurance. because of this, he's been able to train himself to be at nearly the peak of human potential for strength, speed and agility. He's a highly trained combatant and has mastered such fighting forms as Tae Kwon Do, Judo, kickboxing, Greco Roman wrestling and Aikido. He's also highly proficiant in the use of mele weapons such as staves, knives and swords. His current weapon of choce is a sword that was given to him during his last mission as a member of Vanguard international. The sword seems to be unbreakable by any conventional means (he was told it was forged in Dragon fire) and is almost identical to a european broadsword with one odd variation, only one edge is bladed. The bladed edge is razor sharp and due to the swords strength never needs sharpening but the other edge is completely dull and unable to cut making it an ideal blunt weapon. Drake prefers to lead with the unbladed edge unless there is no other choice.
Personality: The best wasy to describe Drake's typical state of mind wouldf probably be "good natured annoyance". He speaks his mind for the most part but tends to joke around about things that bother him. He's basically a nice guy, even to people he doesn't like. Basically, he's polite to just about everyone 9must be that midwestern upbringing) but he jokes around with people he likes. It almost seems like it isn't possible for Drake to give up. He's determined, courageous and more than anything wants to help people. He lives by the code that people who can fight should fight for the people who can't.
Background: Drake first discovered his powers when he was playing football in high school, his leg was broken in multiple places but it healed in an unbelivable short time and he was walking normally the next day. He then set about training himself and then, when he started college at Marquette University he felt he was ready to put his abilities to good use and he began defending the people of Milwaukee. His activities were discovered by Jessica blackburn who became his partner by providing him with weapons, equipment and imnformation. The two evnetually began a romantic relationship. On his most dangerous mission, Drake faced the superhuman criminal Jonas Cascade while Cascade was trying to get control of a powerful dragon. Drake broke up Cascade's plan and inadvertantly became bonded to the dragon. The dragon, named Drax joined Vanguard International with Drake as his advisor. Being bonded to Drax was very damaging to Drake's physical condition, so much though that his healing powers couldn't keep up with the damage. Eventually, there was so much damage that Drake was confined to a wheelchair and Drake seemed doomed to die due to the damage. Drake learned that Jessica was pregnant and that he was the father and he was deeply upset that he was likely to die before the child was born so he decided to leave Vanguard to spend time with Jessica before he died. Then, on a mission in another dimension, Drake's link to Drax was broken and his body healed itself almost instantly, returning him to his full abilities. He still left Vasnguard and since then he's married Jessica and their child, a girl named Lily, was born. Drake took the title of head of security for Jessica's company; blackburn Information Systems, seemingly leaving his lfe of adventure behind. Then Doc Paragon came along with an offer Drake may not be able to refuse...
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Adem Different Age: N/A Weight: 153 Height: 6'8" Hair Color: Black, but it seems to have a slight tinge of dark blue Eye Color: A luminescent orange
Powers: Coming from a planet with a slightly stronger gravitational field, he is a little quicker to move and jump just slightly higher. He also has a well defined endurance level that gives him a high threshold of pain and stamina.
Nanites Adem Different's body contains a highly advanced for a nanites constructed of both aritficial and biological components. These sentient nanites number in the millions and can self-replicate if necessary. They create a field around his body allowing him to alter the appereance of his clothing as well as connect to and interact with technological devices. They also allow him to slightly modify his body to best perform his job as well as performing any medical care he may need.
Background: Adem's home world is a multi-specied planet with technology and science advanced far beyond anything the human race has attempted to go. Just as it is everywhere else in the universe, no civilization is perfect. Crime is still very much a problem. The Capitalistic-Fuedal system leaves the protection of the masses to the large companies that lord over the land. Assurance of the safety its citizens is the most important contractual obligation of any business since they are prone to move themselves and their business to the safest place. For that reason, developments in the field of law-enforcement became the forefront of the technology race.
But, as methods of criminal detection and capture evolved, so did the methods of the criminal mind. The latest break-through came many generations ago with the Cleaners, a class dedicated to the tracking and detection of criminals. Nanotechnology was introduced into their bodies as a means to assist them in their duties. This class soon became vastly important throughout all the companies as not only a means to prevent and detect crime, but to also prevent and detect industrial sabotage from competitors.
Adem Different's own species has proven to be the best suited for the position of Cleaner due to their bodies' resiliance and their prodomninately high intellect. Upon his ascention into adulthood, Adem chose his profession as a Cleaner because it was best suited for him and vice versa.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Vanguard Europe offices 25 Ansgar Street Munich, Germany before the paint job. . .
Let me tell you something, just because something is in a graphic format doesn't mean it needs to be apologized for. And just because a novel is serious, doesn't mean it's serious fiction. The only thing comics should worry about is telling a good story. You do that and people will find it.
-Brad Meltzer
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Basic info on Munich. Sorry I can't add the pictures, but most of us know where Germany is on a map... Munich, GermanyPart I: LocationAs seen in the above map, Munich is located in the southern half of Germany. Part II: PopulationAs of 2003, the population of Munich was 1.26 million (source: Wikipedia). Part III: Site ( Photo of the German countryside.) The site refers to the physical environment on which the city originated and evolved. This included the flatness of land, swamps, and geology. Germany is mostly hilly with some mountain rages. Munich has eroded sandstone and limestone scarps facing the northwest. The Voralpenland plain does not hinder urbanization. Part IV: Situation ( Satellite photo of the city of Munich, Germany. You can see the Isar River in the middle of the photograph.) The situation refers to the relative location of a city with respect to other places with which it interacts. Munich is located on the Isar River and is near the Bavarian Alps. Part V: Economic FunctionsThe economic functions describe the major occupations or economic activities of a city that generate income and provide a source of revenue. Basic functions consist of functions that involve the manufacturing, processing, or trading of goods or the providing of services for populations or businesses located outside the city’s boundaries. Nonbasic functions are economic functions of a city-serving nature. 1. Tourism ( Professional tourist Rick Steves is at the Andechs monastery south of Munich, enjoying the classic combination of pretzel and alcohol.) ( The 1972 Summer Olympics was held in Munich. Eight terrorists killed eleven Israeli athletes during the games.) Munich is most famous for the ‘Oktoberfest’ that has been celebrated since 1810. In 2002, over six million people attended the festival. It is a two-week long celebration with rides, tents, and beer, and it concludes with a horse race. The Rathaus-Glockenspiel is the ornate clock atop the town hall with figures that move every hour. It was the site of the 1972 Summer Olympics, notorious for the “Black September” Palastine attack on Israeli athletes. The 2006 World Cup will also take place in a newly built stadium. 2. Corporate headquarters The automobile company BMW has its global base in Munich. McDonalds and Microsoft have their German headquarters located in the business district as well. Munich boasts the second-largest site for publishing houses. 3. Airport ( The Munich International Airport.) Due to the overcrowding at Frankfurt National Airport, Munich International Airport was built in 1992, with Terminal 2 completed in 2003. Its proper name is Franz Josef Strauß International Airport. The airport also included a shopping mall, supermarket, and pharamacy. Forty to forty-five million passangers fly to the airport every year. Part VI: Economic GrowthTourism1. Provides jobs for citizens. These citizens then spend their salaries to support non-basic functions in Munich. 2. Brings in outside money critical for Munich’s economic survival. This money goes towards development projects for the city. 3. Promotes tourist-oriented business, such as hotels and restaurants. The taxes from these businesses go towards developmental projects as well. Corporate Headquarters1. Provides jobs for citizens. These citizens then spend their salaries to support non-basic functions in Munich. 2. Taxes from top businesses brings money into city government. 3. The relocation of professionals and businessmen that increase the revenues of nonbasic functions such as services. Airport1. Provides jobs for citizens. These citizens then spend their salaries to support the non-basic functions in Munich. 2. The airport center has sevearl business that serve both basic and non basic functions and provides funds for the city government in the form of taxes. 3. Brings tourist, businessmen, and politcal figures to the city where money will be exchanged. The landing fees from the airlines goes to the city. Part VII: Urban Problems1. Air PollutionThe heavy traffic found in Germany has caused an increase in air pollution. A recent study has detected a trend in air pollution and asthma in children. It is also linked to coughs in infants and toddlers. This causes production to decrease as workers become too sick to work. 2. TrafficSince some of the historical districts have narrow roads, elaborate one-way traffic systems had to be designed. Older parts of Munich lack the neat and tidy grid-pattern found in cities better adapted to the automobile. 3. Condition of HousingEuropean urbanization has the problem concerning the wear and tear of housing and other forms of infrastructure—roads, sewers, schools, and hospitals. Many of the pre-World War II dwellings have primitive plumbing and are falling apart from age. 4. FinancesMunich became more and more dependent on central government grants as city income failed to catch up with expenses. In addition, the city government had to borrow money, leading to increased debt. This resulted in cuts in public services, layoffs, and increased taxes. Part VIII: Solutions1. Public transportation Munich’s subways system has been critical in lowering the amount of cars on the streets. In addition, Munich also features suburban trains, trams, and buses to help citizens with the daily commute, as well as aiding the tourist around down easily. This provides an alternative to driving, which means passengers to not have to worry about the hassle of parking or towing. As more people take the subway and the buses, the amount of single-passenger vehicles decreases. 2. City tollsIn London, the use of city tolls cut traffic by 30 percent during its first year beginning in February 2003. City tolls would reduce the number of people that can afford to drive their own cars into down, encouraging them to use the subway or bus system. Furthermore, the toll would be a source of income for the city. 3. Tourist feesMany of Munich’s museums and other tourist spots do not charge admission. While this is one of the reasons visiting Germany is so attractive, the cost of maintaining the historical sites is slowing draining funds from other projects that would benefit the Munich natives. Charging a small admission would be a huge source of revenue for the city. 4. City PlanningThe newer areas of Munich, such as the area around the Olympic Tower, boast better city planning. If Munich continues this trend of using more grid-patterned streets, the city might have lessened traffic woes. This set-up’s efficiency brings more money into the city, which gets Munich out of debt and provides funds for the above-mentioned solutions. Part VIII: ReferencesBrunn, Stanley D. 1993. Cities of the World: World Regional Urban Development, Second Edition. HarperColiins College Publishers, New York. Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia. URL: www.wikipedia.comBBC News Online. URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/health/1897646.stmEnvironment News Services. URL: http://forests.org/articles/reader.asp?linkid=29498City Mayors. URL: http://www.citymayors.com/transport/citytolls_germany.html
"You're either lying or stupid." "I'm stupid! I'm stupid!" Megatron and Starscream
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You forgot to mention German currency, CJ!
Germany, like France, Belgium, Luxembur, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Austria, Italy, Denmark, Finland and Ireland uses Euro (€). As of yesterday, one euro equals 1,3 dollars.
*(wink and LOLs at Pro)
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Actually, my teacher didn't want currency included. Which I thought was weird.
God bless the British. They might drive on the wrong side of the road, but they love their pounds and quids and...whatever. I went to Europe back in 2000 and made a point of keeping some of the coins since I never they were switching to the euro.
However, I am female. And there were lots of shops. I ended up returning to America with one German coin, two Italian coins, and three British coins. I didn't even save any bills. Way to go, Jackie.
What can I say? I'm Vanguard's resource for medicine, veterinary sciences, chemistry, and sometimes even geography.
And rabbit breeding. But I'm hoping we never have to use that in a story...
"You're either lying or stupid." "I'm stupid! I'm stupid!" Megatron and Starscream
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Sweden has kept its currency, the kronor (crown), as well. I think Denmark also kept its currency, also called the kronor. I hope they never adopt the European currency, personally.
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TTT is right, Denmark, too, has not adopted Euro.
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Eurostar said: TTT is right, Denmark, too, has not adopted Euro.
"the former Italian turned Danish hero, Eurostar, today announced. . ."
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Tommy Foxe
Age: 25
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Physical Description: When describing Tommy, the phrase 'wasted' is probably the best one to use. A former cocaine addict and alcoholic, Tommy still retains the lean, hungry looking appearance of a junkie, despite having been clean for several years. He usually wears a battered brown leather jacket and extremely grubby black jeans, but this is largely because he buys them that way.
Powers: Tommy has the ability to shapeshift into any other living being. He cannot change into inanimate objects and he has to transform his whole body. Another unusual factor is that he has to know something of the creature's biology that he is changing into, which limits his abilities considerably. Currently he can safely change into a Rat, a Pidgeon, a Cat, a Dog and a Frog.
Personality: If he likes you Tommy can be witty, easy-going and good fun. However he is prone to bouts of depression, and can be very confrontational when in a bad mood, which is surprisingly often. He also doesn't take kindly to arrogant people, and tends to land himself in trouble more than he really should. For all this however, Tommy genuinely wants to help people, amd will go out of his way to help those in need.
Background: Tommy grew up in a rough area of London, with a largely absentee father and an often seriously ill mother. Naturally he took to the streets as a way out, and fell in with a gang of drug dealers at the age of 14. Addicted to cocaine by the age of 16 he dropped out of school and took to crime in order to fund his habit. After the death of his sister during a shop robbery that went wrong Tommy took to the bottle as well, eventually walking out on his mother and younger brother, who he hasn't had contact with for several years. At the age of 20 he served 2 years for various drug-related offences, and booked himself to rehab for nearly a year and a half. After that he left Britain and moved to France in order to get away from his violent past. It was here that he discovered his shape-shifting powers, and he spent some time simply using these for kicks, as he was still bore several scars from his turbulent past. However, following an encounter with a pair of meta-criminals Tommy took to vigilantism, and has recently come into contact with the Vanguard team...
Last edited by SpandexMonkeyMan; 2004-11-29 11:21 AM.
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The Time Trust said: Sweden has kept its currency, the kronor (crown), as well. I think Denmark also kept its currency, also called the kronor. I hope they never adopt the European currency, personally.
Racks be to MisterJLA