
the G-man said:
By the way...

If you want to see how depraved the extreme, anti-war, left has become, read this disgusting thread on Democratic Underground.

Meanwhile, at an ANSWER march - the main organization behind the anti-war movement rallies "Hundreds of protesters are cheering upon hearing news that Ronald Reagan has died."

And then there's this comment: "Rest in hell Ronald Reagan."

I wish I could be surprised.

I'm sure plenty of conservatives will smile a bit when Clinton goes the way of all flesh...I don't for one minute expect any Clinton obit to skip his Impeachment. It shouldn't. It happened. Just as no one should overlook Watergate when refering Nixon's life.

Not all of us Liberals are extremists.

Reagan had stengths and weaknesses as president. In fairness to him as a man, we should not overlook or overemphasize either.


We all wear a green carnation.