I actually thought whomod had a pretty good post on this page. I'm glad that Ronald Reagan is now free of a terrible disease nobody should have to live with. He was here far too long, really, and I'm certain he wasn't here for most of the past half decade. I'm saddened that hyper-polarized partisanship almost guarantees that Reagan was the last truly great President of this country, and I doubt that Presidents from either party in the near future will accomplish as much or be as universally respected. Moreover, I'm saddened - and more than a little pissed off - that a small minority of individuals seem to delight in his passing and have spent the past day or two dancing on the man's as yet unoccupied grave. However, I'm not going to fret too much - most of those individuals are people nobody listens to or cares about anyway, and their words will have died out long before the memory of Ronald Reagan fades.
True, Reagan committed his share of oversights and mistakes, as any human being does. His terms as President weren't perfect - although they'd still compare favorably to those of either President since - and I don't see any reason to gloss over the things he could have done better. But at the same time, his accomplishments in international affairs, as Doc pointed out, command respect from any rational observer who looks at everything that happened in the 80s.
I know I'll miss the Gipper, as will most people whose opinions actually matter to me. Whomod and JJ get a handful of points. Doc doesn't need 'em. Trout goes down a coupla pegs. Have a nice day.