My condolences to Reagan's family. At the very least, I would imagine, given Reagan's condition, they had a good amount of time to prepare for his passing.

I harbor no ill will towards the man, but I can't say I'm going to "miss" him, either. I was too young to form an opinion of him while in office, but in examining what he did(and didn't do), I don't think he was a particular good president, at least in terms of his direct impact on world events. It is my belief that the Sovient Union's economy was in such a state that a collapse was imminent, anyway, and that Reagan was simply fortunate to be in office when it happened.

I think that his reputation as a good, honest guy is what made him popular, and thus successful-seeming. In my opinion, Nixon accomplished more as a President(ending the Viet Nam war, establishing peace with China), but obviously he won't be on anyone's favorite prez list. In terms of social issues, neither were very progressive.

In the end, I think he deserves respect, as most do. The media always glorifies dead celebrities(most of them, at least), so I was prepared for the onslaught of preachy obituaries. I don't know what it's like elsewhere, but here in Texas, the guy's practically achieved godlike status.


the G-man said:
Apparently, when the deceased is a dead republican, however, the usual rules of decorum go out the window for some people.

Or not:


Fuck Spain and Fuck France........and Fuck D.Mcdon'tknowshit. By the way how about that shoddy French workmaniship on their new Airport Terminal........Fucking Losers.


I'm not shedding any tears for dead Frenchmen......sorry.


5 less people to surrender to al-qaeda.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.