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Franta said: I just wish we could get more media coverage of people walking past his casket...
There was a great bit on Conan, where people were paying respects to the news coverage of people paying respects to the casket, walking by and touching the TV screen...
And that's terrible.
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http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/opinion/columnists/orl-edpparker09060904jun09,1,5176400.column Quote:
FOR OUR NATION, A MUCH-NEEDED REMINDER by Kathleen Parker Published June 9, 2004 . If one of the social graces is knowing when to leave, Ronald Reagan was a gentleman with providential timing. . His death came at just the right moment. Not for his family, though they must feel relief that his suffering is ended, but for the nation he loved. I mean this: Americans are in the throes of an identity crisis, trying at this difficult historical juncture to figure out what kind of people they are. . Are they the sadists at Abu Ghraib? Unwelcome occupiers or liberators of Iraq? Arrogant invaders bent on confiscating precious resources, or freedom fighters trying to help others claim their birthright to liberty? . To read commentary from the far left these days -- or to view the world through Michael Moore's propagandist camera lens -- one is hard-pressed to find American affirmation. For the Bush-hating crowd, the leap from "we deserved it" to "Bush lied!" to "quagmire" and now to "Iraq is an unmitigated disaster" was a matter of mere baby steps. . That's how life looks if your glass is always half-empty. If your glass is half-full, as Reagan's surely was, you might see things differently. . You might see that Abu Ghraib was an awful act of embarrassing deviancy; that Iraq indeed has been liberated rather than occupied as we hand over the reins of government to the Iraqi people; that American gas prices indicate something other than an imperialist oil grab. . It is nice to be reminded of these things. Reagan's death was a deus ex machina in the tragedy of American guilt and self-loathing. Not to go biblical, but his final act was divinely ironic: By his death, the man who lost his memory restored the nation's. . An eternal optimist, as everyone can't stop saying, Reagan embodied the spirit -- dare we call it cowboy -- that permitted America's founders a vision of freedom that, for all its unattractive manifestations, beats the alternative of terrorist rule every time. . It takes an optimist to decide, for instance, that communism isn't something to be tolerated as just another alternative lifestyle, as the ever-luminous Mark Steyn put it, but something to be condemned and obliterated. It takes an optimist to insist on Americans' capacity for self-government rather than to comfortably rely on "those who ask us to trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state," to use Reagan's words. . It also takes great courage. . At this time -- which Reagan ironically missed as he wandered darkly through Alzheimer's cramped corridors -- it is helpful to be reminded of what optimism and courage can accomplish. As history surely will judge, a free Iraq and an Arab world gradually transformed by democracy are the offspring of such optimism and courage. . Other ironies have surfaced since Reagan's passing. Anyone watching television couldn't help noticing the reverential tone among commentators, many of whom must have been choking on their own treacle. The exaggerated golly-gee-ness of some reports was enough to curl Pollyanna's lip. . The irony, of course, is that these same reporters, commentators and news readers couldn't stand Reagan when he was president. Surely there's some middle ground between speaking ill of the dead and intellectual honesty. Reagan was loathed by many of the same people who loathe George W. Bush today, and for many of the same reasons. . On the other hand, perhaps even those who couldn't bear Reagan's famous simplicity while he was president are attracted now to something more fundamental and primitive. Reagan was the human face of paternalism in a good sense. He oozed masculinity and manly virtues. . As everyone seems to have a Reagan story, I'll tell mine. Back in 1980, I was a cub reporter and the unlikely author of a thrice-weekly political column during the run-up to South Carolina's first-ever Republican convention. I got to see a lot of Reagan as he toured the state, and wound up at one point in a Charleston hotel room with him, Mrs. Reagan, and a couple of others. . I nearly dozed off sitting there, as comfortable as if I'd been sitting in my own father's kitchen. Therein, I suspect, lies the secret to Reagan's tug on America's heart. At a time when fathers are increasingly scarce in the family home, and the father of all inventions is missing from our secularized society, Reagan's persona fills a void. . Even those who once held him in contempt may recognize with Reagan's passing something missed -- that quiet authority, calm strength and humorous dignity all bound up in the self-deprecating humility born of faith in something greater. . It is good to be reminded. . ___________________ . Kathleen Parker can be reached at kparker@orlandosentinel.com , or 407-420-5202.
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whomod said:
June 11, 2004
FAREWELL TO A PRESIDENT North Contends He Would Be a Distraction at Funeral
WASHINGTON — Oliver L. North, the decorated Marine who came to personify the Iran-Contra scandal with his ramrod-straight testimony before Congress, will make a sacrifice today for his hero and former boss: He will not attend former President Reagan's funeral.
Recalling a conversation he had Wednesday with William P. Clark, former national security advisor and Reagan confidant, North said: "I told him I did not think I should be a distraction at this, and if I went, I would be."
"Every doggone camera in the place would be shooting pictures of me instead of paying attention to what was going on," he said in a telephone interview from Key West, Fla.
North, host of the Fox News Channel program "War Stories with Oliver North," said he thought the media would try to make something out of his presence if he went to the funeral.
"I had the national press corps camped on my front lawn for nine straight months" during the Iran-Contra scandal, said North, who served as a national security aide in the Reagan White House. "And that's not what this is about."
Although he will miss being at the funeral, North said, he was taking a long view of events.
"I revere Ronald Reagan," he said. "I certainly spent plenty of time with him in the past and I know I'll be with him in the future…. Those of us who know where we are going, and know why we are going there, have no doubt that he is now in that shining city on a hill."
— Vicki Kemper

what a self-important self righteous ass.
Here, have a towel to wipe all that gooey pompous slime off.
Yep, good ole Ollie North. Even Bob Woodward concedes in his book, Shadow (which covers the Iran-Contra scandal in some detail) that Reagan had intentionally broken the law and misled Congress and the American people, even though he genuinely thought it was for a good purpose.
I think that's about as fair a summary of that particular piece of black ops funding that anyone can manage.
I'm reluctant to speak ill of the dead, but a week's worth of mourning of a tainted President (who avoided criminal charges because of his advanced Alzheimers) does seem a little extravagant.
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One week is hardly extravagant for one of the most loved and influential leaders of his era.
Reagan died on Saturday, June 5. His funeral was Friday, June 11. So not even a week. Six days.
Regarding the scandals of Reagan's presidency, they were less than most.
Even the sainted Franklin D. Roosevelt had his scandals and improprieties.
Likewise John F. Kennedy.
And Lyndon Johnson.
And needless to say, Richard Nixon.
Even Jimmy Carter.
And needless to say, Bill Clinton.
So... give the guy a break. He's dead.
"This Man, This Wonder Boy..."
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It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.
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Batwoman said: Clinton was just a joke.
This thread was clearly about Reagan, for better or for worse, like him or hate him.
Trust someone to let slip with a kneejerk cheap shot.
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There aren't many Presidents of the last 30 years that aren't jokes. Quote:
Dave the Wonder Boy said: Even the sainted Franklin D. Roosevelt had his scandals and improprieties.
Likewise John F. Kennedy.
And Lyndon Johnson.
And needless to say, Richard Nixon.
Even Jimmy Carter.
And needless to say, Bill Clinton.
Animalman said: P.S-I think Teddy Roosevelt was the first, last, and only good President. If there's anyone I'll miss, it's him.
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This is Ted "I love nature, shoot the bear after I leave" Roosevelt?
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Good ole trustbustin' Teddy!
Honestly, now, can you see parents giving their kids Clinton bears, or Bush dolls?
I think not.
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Animalman said: Good ole trustbustin' Teddy!
Honestly, now, can you see parents giving their kids Clinton bears, or Bush dolls?
I think not.
I'm sure someone somewhere has received a Carter Peanut.
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King Snarf said:
"Wow... So they found that in Reagan's corpse, huh?"
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P.S-I think Teddy Roosevelt was the first, last, and only good President. If there's anyone I'll miss, it's him
Teddy Roosevelt was also a big war monger. As Assistant Secretary of the Navy he was sort of the Rumsfeld of his day. As President he was the architect of America's emerging role as "policeman of the world," which excused unilateral excursions into other nations.
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Dave said:
Animalman said: Good ole trustbustin' Teddy!
Honestly, now, can you see parents giving their kids Clinton bears, or Bush dolls?
I think not.
I'm sure someone somewhere has received a Carter Peanut.
Or at the very least Billy Beer.
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Dave said:
Batwoman said: Clinton was just a joke.
This thread was clearly about Reagan, for better or for worse, like him or hate him.
Trust someone to let slip with a kneejerk cheap shot.
I know what this thread is about, but I also read it and know that there were a couple posts about Clinton and I was just adding my 2 cents to it. I do have more to say about something else posted here, but will get to that later.
It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.
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Wednesday said:
That's really really funny.
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whomod said:
What Bush will do however is use Reagan's image to help him get re-elected.
Presidential Elections - AP Conservative Campaign Ad Invokes Reagan 1 hour, 15 minutes ago
By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Days after Ronald Reagan was laid to rest, a conservative interest group on Tuesday unveiled a campaign ad that aligns him with President Bush and criticizes Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.
The Club for Growth's ad, which is to begin airing Wednesday, portrays both Republican presidents as leaders — Reagan on communism and Bush on terrorism, while claiming Kerry was "wrong then, wrong now" on national security.
The ad shows Kerry, a Vietnam veteran, testifying to Congress in 1971 that "we cannot fight communism all over the world and I think we should have learned that lesson by now."
Former President Reagan is then seen at the Berlin Wall in 1987, saying "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." That's followed by Bush telling rescue workers at the World Trade Center after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks: "I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon."
The Reagan family's spokeswoman said Tuesday that permission is needed for anyone to use Reagan's likeness in an ad because doing so implies that he endorsed one candidate over another.
"No one has requested the permission to use his image in an ad, nor would we feel it appropriate to give such permission at this juncture," Joanne Drake said. "We protect his image very carefully, particularly as it relates to politics."
The Club for Growth will spend $500,000 over a week, a moderate amount, to run the ad on national cable networks and in media markets in the contested states of Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.
Reagan died June 5 after a 10-year struggle with Alzheimer's disease. He was 93. The nation ended a week of mourning last Friday with a national funeral in Washington and his burial at his presidential library in California.
Kerry campaign spokesman Chad Clanton criticized the use of Reagan. "It's pretty sad that less than a week after America said farewell to President Reagan, George W. Bush's supporters are politicizing it," Clanton said.
Steve Moore, the group's president, defended the timing of the ad, saying it was intentional because the public had been reminded for days about "Reagan's philosophy of peace through strength."
"We wanted to draw on how similar Bush and Reagan have been in terms of fighting evil," Moore said.
He said the group wrote a letter to Reagan's widow, Nancy, informing her of the ad.
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Wednesday said:
whomod said:
What Bush will do however is use Reagan's image to help him get re-elected.
Kerry campaign spokesman Chad Clanton criticized the use of Reagan. "It's pretty sad that less than a week after America said farewell to President Reagan, George W. Bush's supporters are politicizing it," Clanton said.
That's nothing. Bush's website had Reagan all over it during the week of memorial.
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I suppose Kerry never "exploited" the Vietnam war for his
own political gain?
And of course, Kerry, and Dean before him, never
crapped on the greiving surviving families of the 9-11
victims, and by extension crapped on the United States
itself, expoitatively asserting that "Bush knew in
advance" about the 9-11 attacks, bitterly alleged on
the most specious, divisive and angry rhetoric possible?
Or similarly with the Iraq war, Kerry has not politicized
and exploited events in Iraq, has he ? No, of course
not, Kerry would never add to the grief of families
whose sons and daughters have died in Iraq, by implying
they died for nothing, or "blood for oil" or whatever.
No, of course not, Kerry's campaign is so above
that, aren't they?
Like hell.
The Democrats have exploited far more. Far more
divisively, far more bitterly, and with far less evidence.
I would argue that Reagan would want his name used
in Republican ads, and would want to offer any assistance
his name could offer in the political struggle to keep his
party in the White House, to preserve a legacy closer to
his own than anything the Democrat alternative could
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The Democratic Party has been digging up JFK's corpse for the last 40 years and exploiting it every election.
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Dave said:
Wednesday said:
That's really really funny.
what did it really say first....
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I'm pretty sure that the cartoonist just "faked" having his cartoon censored because he realized that his usual brand of liberal hate would get him kicked out of a lot of newspapers.
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.......good lord, it's a joke.
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Venom more like. It's also a distortion of biasness in the media. It clearly leans in the Liberal direction while Conservatives are absorbing the false accusation and getting blamed for strangling free speech.
I'm not saying it should be changed, cuz' after all, free country. But the writer/illustrator is A) An asshole and 2) Not funny. Every cartoon I read or watch normally that involves politics I make sure is as tasteful as possible. This is entailing representations of all sides of the argument and every pro and con from said representations. The person's POV of the situations (especially the weight of his opinions on the subject) should come secondary after it's made sure that his or her political leaning isn't THAT obvious.
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Dave the Wonder Boy said:
I suppose Kerry never "exploited" the Vietnam war for his own political gain?
One of the points made in this very forum during "Reagan Week" was that it was in poor taste to do anything other than to eulogize the man. Criticisms of Reagan were met with anger, here. OK, that was fine, it was a week of memorial. But the President himself took advantage of Reagan beyond any kind of memorial by sticking his face on the Bush website.
This was done DURING the week of Reagan's memorials. What's bad for the goose is bad for the gander.
Furthermore, indications are that the Reagan family did not grant permission for this usage.
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Dave the Wonder Boy said: I would argue that Reagan would want his name used in Republican ads, and would want to offer any assistance his name could offer in the political struggle to keep his party in the White House, to preserve a legacy closer to his own than anything the Democrat alternative could offer.
Your argument is irrelevant if the Reagan family has not granted permission.
And do not be so quick to suppose that Reagan or his family are supporters of George W. Bush. Ronald P. Reagan took a jab at the religiosity of the current President in his eulogy for his father, by claiming that the elder Reagan saw his religion as his responsibility, not as his mandate.
So let's wait for the formal declaration of "Ronny would want the Shrub" before you try taking us down the path of utter presumption.
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Pariah said: Venom more like. It's also a distortion of biasness in the media. It clearly leans in the Liberal direction while Conservatives are absorbing the false accusation and getting blamed for strangling free speech.
No, it's called "humor". One sided humor, perhaps, but commonly found in political cartoons everywhere. If it's venom when it has a liberal tint, what do you call it when it's coming from someone like Jim Huber?
I'm not saying it should be changed, cuz' after all, free country. But the writer/illustrator is A) An asshole and 2) Not funny. Every cartoon I read or watch normally that involves politics I make sure is as tasteful as possible. This is entailing representations of all sides of the argument and every pro and con from said representations. The person's POV of the situations (especially the weight of his opinions on the subject) should come secondary after it's made sure that his or her political leaning isn't THAT obvious.
...says the fan of "This Just In." You're full of shit, Pariah.
UComics has both liberal and conversative cartoonists. This is one of the liberal ones. I happen to think it's funny, not because I hate Reagan, but because the media does adopt selective memory when someone famous dies, and hearing phrases such as "Reagan was loved by all, regardless of political affiliation" on TV is quite an exaggeration. Infact, I can imagine that to a lot of non-wealthy, non-white Americans, it's practically an offensive exaggeration.
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Funny. I find Aaron McGruder's The Boondocks to be one of the most tasteful political satires out there. It never fails to put a smile on my face. Sure, sometimes he's a little nuts, but it's a joke. It's funny. Huey is supposed to be an extremist. You're supposed to laugh at his conspiracy theories. Sheesh.
<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of ZionRDCW Profile"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>
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whomod said:
Wednesday said:

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Animalman said:
No, it's called "humor". One sided humor, perhaps, but commonly found in political cartoons everywhere.
Nope. Venomous.
If it's venom when it has a liberal tint, what do you call it when it's coming from someone like Jim Huber?
HA! Dude, I don't read Jim Huber's stuff for the exact reasons I stated when I named my ideal characteristics for a good cartoon. I'm a nitpicker in that category.
...says the fan of "This Just In." You're full of shit, Pariah.
I'm sorry, but an "lol" emoticon could not encapsulate that, and seeing too many is an eye sore.
This statement coming from the guy who confessed that he only watch one episode (and only part of one I'm guessing) before making a total judgement call on the entire series.
Sorry Animalman, but you're the one full of shit. I described my animated political preferences up top with that very show in mind. And as I said, it does go over every factor of every political subject through its leftist cast. After all the stereotyping of both parties is done, then Brian Newport has his final say. You just won't bend because the main character is to the right.
On a final note: I'd wager good money that even if the character was standing on his soapbox (as you denote as being "not funny")--But maintaining Liberal VPs instead of Conservative ones--Then your entire opinion of the show would do a full 180.
UComics has both liberal and conversative cartoonists. This is one of the liberal ones. I happen to think it's funny, not because I hate Reagan, but because the media does adopt selective memory when someone famous dies, and hearing phrases such as "Reagan was loved by all, regardless of political affiliation" on TV is quite an exaggeration. Infact, I can imagine that to a lot of non-wealthy, non-white Americans, it's practically an offensive exaggeration.
Maybe if you actually looked at the strip good buddy, you'd find that the words were FORCED into the character's mouth while his mannerisms were implied to be those born of rage at the subject in question (and if you deny that, then you're a tool ). Namely: Reagan.
Liberal media has the freedom to say whatever it wants, but this strip is making it out like Conservatives are hussling it to STFU and make them speak neutrally--Which, in reiteration, is a load of shit. And while saying that Reagan is the greatest human being on Earth would be overexaggerated (not far from the truth though), the media did the bare minimum job of analyzing his terms and very well could have included a few more honorable mentions which they KNEW existed.
Another thing: I have not once heard or seen cast from one of the news stations who covered his death say, "Reagan was loved by all, regardless of political affiliation". Not even that strip said that--And saying that because Reagan's body was crowded around by many a fan and that his death has been more memorable than other presidents', it constitutes "exaggeration"--Is total BS.
Or perhaps........Just maybe. Reagan was indeed loved by all and the Liberal media was afraid of having their credibility destroyed.......That's sumthin' to think about. 
Last edited by Pariah; 2004-06-18 6:24 AM.
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PenWing said: Huey is supposed to be an extremist. You're supposed to laugh at his conspiracy theories. Sheesh.
Can I quote HIM on that?
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Pariah said: This statement coming from the guy who confessed that he only watch one episode (and only part of one I'm guessing) before making a total judgement call on the entire series.
I didn't "confess", I told you I watched a full episode, and that I didn't like what I saw. You said the episode I saw wasn't very good, so I watched another one, and didn't like it either.
I described my animated political preferences up top with that very show in mind. And as I said, it does go over every factor of every political subject through its leftist cast. After all the stereotyping of both parties is done, then Brian Newport has his final say. You just won't bend because the main character is to the right.
No, because the leftist characters are there only as parodies, who are blasted by the main character throughout the show(as are various liberal politicians or celebrities).
Telling me This Just In has a fair depiction of liberals is like telling me Monty Pyton and the Holy Grail has an accurate depiction of the French.
If you like it, that's fine...but, to borrow a Texan phrase, just don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
The show is what it is. Even G-Man admitted as much, in the same thread our conversation on it took place.
On a final note: I'd wager good money that even if the character was standing on his soapbox (as you denote as being "not funny")--But maintaining Liberal VPs instead of Conservative ones--Then your entire opinion of the show would do a full 360.
Heh. Allow me to play the part of nitpicker, briefly, then I'll move on.
You mean 180. 360 degrees would just bring me back around to the point where I was at the start.
Anyway...naturally, I disagree. I don't care for overly political tv shows. There's enough fact spinning in both directions, I'm tired of it all. This is the same reason why I had zero interest in Al Franken's radio station(and even less interest in Rush Limbaugh's radio show).
I don't care for Will and Grace. Would you call it a politically leftist show? What would you call a politically leftist show?
Liberal media has the freedom to say whatever it wants, but this strip is making it out like Conservatives are hussling it to STFU and make them speak neutrally--Which, in reiteration, is a load of shit.
Not exactly. It's making it seem like the media in general(liberal or otherwise) has filtered out anything even remotely negative about Reagan in its summary of his life and works, practically deifying the guy.
You can assume it's a shot at conversatives all you want(that flies in the face of the whole "liberals dominate the media" argument preached here a good deal, but that's another topic entirely), but that's reading a lot more into it than what's actually there.
Another thing: I have not once heard or seen cast from one of the news stations who covered his death say, "Reagan was loved by all, regardless of political affiliation". Not even that strip said that--And saying that because Reagan's body was crowded around by many a fan and that his death has been more memorable than other presidents', it constitutes "exaggeration"--Is total BS.
Actually, the cartoon did say that. Did you not read the full one, that whomod posted?
Either way, while I can't remember if that exact quote has been used before, I've heard a lot of similar eulogies given, in the same vein. This is in addition to those of conversative newsletters, like Ed Koch's We All Loved Ronald Reagan article.
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Animalman said:
I didn't "confess", I told you I watched a full episode, and that I didn't like what I saw. You said the episode I saw wasn't very good, so I watched another one, and didn't like it either.
Mmkay. Full episode. Didn't like what you saw. Associated it with the entire series, made a judgement call right there.
No, because the leftist characters are there only as parodies, who are blasted by the main character throughout the show(as are various liberal politicians or celebrities).
Throughout the entire series, they ALL take shots at eachother. Not just Newport to everyone else. Search out the episode that involved selective voting process for best example.
If you like it, that's fine...but, to borrow a Texan phrase, just don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
I didn't. I did, however, say that you were being myopic for judging it so quickly.
The show is what it is. Even G-Man admitted as much, in the same thread our conversation on it took place.
Conservative perspective. Not a bias agenda. I will say that episode was Bush was a bit wacky, but that's about it.
You mean 180. 360 degrees would just bring me back around to the point where I was at the start.
Already edited it.
Anyway...naturally, I disagree. I don't care for overly political tv shows. There's enough fact spinning in both directions, I'm tired of it all. This is the same reason why I had zero interest in Al Franken's radio station(and even less interest in Rush Limbaugh's radio show).
Coulda' fooled me by giving time to it.
I don't care for Will and Grace. Would you call it a politically leftist show? What would you call a politically leftist show?
Yeah Animalman, those are REALLY comparable.
Not exactly. It's making it seem like the media in general(liberal or otherwise) has filtered out anything even remotely negative about Reagan in its summary of his life and works, practically deifying the guy.
As I said before and demonstrated by the implication of the characters' actions: Censorship.
Heh! Yeah, it really "deifies" him . Nothing negative, but sure as hell nothing good. They can't bad mouth him for obvious (shallow) reasons, but they can't praise him for even more ( too influential) reasons.
(that flies in the face of the whole "liberals dominate the media" argument preached here a good deal, but that's another topic entirely)
No it doesn't.
Actually, the cartoon did say that. Did you not read the full one, that whomod posted?
Just got around to it. But I was focusing on the other strip.
Either way, while I can't remember if that exact quote has been used before, I've heard a lot of similar eulogies given, in the same vein. This is in addition to those of conversative newsletters, like Ed Koch's We All Loved Ronald Reagan article.
I'm talking Liberal stations. Not Conservatives. Liberals.
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Pariah said:
Mmkay. Full episode. Didn't like what you saw. Associated it with the entire series, made a judgement call right there. 
Associated it with the entire series? It was the pilot episode. That was the entire series.
...but again, no, I simply said it seemed like too much of a one-sided agenda-pusher, which I don't care much for in cable TV. Like I said, I can get that stuff anywhere(in political cartoons, for example).
You said the episode I watched wasn't a good example of the show's usual format, so I watched another, and saw the same approach.
What would you have me do, watch every episode from now on, before I made a "judgement call"? Sorry, no thanks. I think two episodes was generous, to be honest. At least I didn't call the guy:
"A) An asshole and 2) Not funny"
after reading one row of one cartoon.
I didn't. I did, however, say that you were being myopic for judging it so quickly.
You also said it's fair and balanced, and shows both sides of the political spectrum. Which is horseshit.
Coulda' fooled me by giving time to it.
....not sure what you mean by this one....are you saying I listen to Al Franken's radio show?
Yeah Animalman, those are REALLY comparable.
I asked you what was. Will and Grace was the most liberal television show I could think of offhand. What do you have?
Heh! Yeah, it really "deifies" him .
....what are you talking about? I'm saying how the media has eulogized him. In general.
I'm talking Liberal stations. Not Conservatives. Liberals.
You're asking me if any liberal stations said he was loved by all, regardless of political affiliation?
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Animalman said:
.......good lord, it's a joke.
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Dave the Wonder Boy said:
The Democrats have exploited far more. Far more divisively, far more bitterly, and with far less evidence.
Then how do you know all this?