
Animalman said:
No, it's called "humor". One sided humor, perhaps, but commonly found in political cartoons everywhere.

Nope. Venomous.


If it's venom when it has a liberal tint, what do you call it when it's coming from someone like Jim Huber?

HA! Dude, I don't read Jim Huber's stuff for the exact reasons I stated when I named my ideal characteristics for a good cartoon. I'm a nitpicker in that category.


...says the fan of "This Just In." You're full of shit, Pariah.


I'm sorry, but an "lol" emoticon could not encapsulate that, and seeing too many is an eye sore.


This statement coming from the guy who confessed that he only watch one episode (and only part of one I'm guessing) before making a total judgement call on the entire series.

Sorry Animalman, but you're the one full of shit. I described my animated political preferences up top with that very show in mind. And as I said, it does go over every factor of every political subject through its leftist cast. After all the stereotyping of both parties is done, then Brian Newport has his final say. You just won't bend because the main character is to the right.

On a final note: I'd wager good money that even if the character was standing on his soapbox (as you denote as being "not funny")--But maintaining Liberal VPs instead of Conservative ones--Then your entire opinion of the show would do a full 180.


UComics has both liberal and conversative cartoonists. This is one of the liberal ones. I happen to think it's funny, not because I hate Reagan, but because the media does adopt selective memory when someone famous dies, and hearing phrases such as "Reagan was loved by all, regardless of political affiliation" on TV is quite an exaggeration. Infact, I can imagine that to a lot of non-wealthy, non-white Americans, it's practically an offensive exaggeration.

Maybe if you actually looked at the strip good buddy, you'd find that the words were FORCED into the character's mouth while his mannerisms were implied to be those born of rage at the subject in question (and if you deny that, then you're a tool ). Namely: Reagan.

Liberal media has the freedom to say whatever it wants, but this strip is making it out like Conservatives are hussling it to STFU and make them speak neutrally--Which, in reiteration, is a load of shit. And while saying that Reagan is the greatest human being on Earth would be overexaggerated (not far from the truth though), the media did the bare minimum job of analyzing his terms and very well could have included a few more honorable mentions which they KNEW existed.

Another thing: I have not once heard or seen cast from one of the news stations who covered his death say, "Reagan was loved by all, regardless of political affiliation". Not even that strip said that--And saying that because Reagan's body was crowded around by many a fan and that his death has been more memorable than other presidents', it constitutes "exaggeration"--Is total BS.

Or perhaps........Just maybe. Reagan was indeed loved by all and the Liberal media was afraid of having their credibility destroyed.......That's sumthin' to think about.

Last edited by Pariah; 2004-06-18 6:24 AM.