brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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Wednesday said:
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
Wednesday and Jim Jackson, you guys obviously have your pre-
conceived opinions (as well as your clear personal
vendettas against me).
Honestly, I don't care enough to have a personal vendetta
against you or anyone else here. A lot of mean ol' nasty
things have been said on this board about liberals, but,
though I'm the most liberal guy here according to G-
man's "how conservative are you" questionnaire, I haven't
really given a gosh darn about 95% of it.
A lot of mean ol' nasty things have been said by liberals
on these boards, and have compelled conservatives here
to make a response.
There are only about six liberals on these boards that I
have a consistent problem with, in their one-sided and
vicious attacks on conservatives. And then they have the
balls to call myself, G-man, Mr JLA and others "immature"
and "name-callers" for specifically answering the partisan
venom you, Whomod, and a few others post.
You post stuff to the effect of saying: Republicans are
And we generally respond saying: Here are links to the
facts that disprove the slanderous spin you allege
to be true.
So based on your false liberal allegations, you jerks are
the assholes you allege us to be.
If that's immature, then you might do well to ask: who
launched the first salvo?
Whenever possible, I try to refrain from insults and just
answer the issues raised.
But once again, right here in this latest round YOU are
personalizing it and won't let it go, and forcing me into
another round of response.
I try to always respond politely, but I get tired of the
personal attacks, and my patience has limits, like
everyone else's.
So if I call you an asshole for baiting me into a flame-
war, and for then further insulting me for responding at
length to the issues that YOU RAISED, then pardon
me for calling you the raging troll asshole that you have
demonstrated yourself to be.
Wednesday said:
Truth is, most of the arguments you, JLA, and G-man, have
with whomod end in immature, overly general name-calling
geared at every person on the other side of the political
Again, I didn't start this flame-war, I was baited into it
by you, Jim Jackson and Whomod, which is the consistent
pattern. I try to respond minimally to it when possible,
if you'd just let it go !
Wednesday said:
Whatever. I don't take it seriously. I might snap now and
then, but I won't hold any grudges. I'm a Scorpio leaning
on Libra, man. I just don't give a fuck.
DtWB, if I met you on the street, I'd probably offer to
shake your hand and buy you a beer. Not the expensive
stuff, though, and you're responsible for tip.
I find that hard to believe, considering the relentless
antagonism you provide here in response to virtually every
topic I post to.
I'm a pretty forgiving guy, but I don't treat people who
constantly misrepresent me and constantly launch personal
atrtacks on me like they're my friends.
I tried in my above post to just respond with the facts in
a prior link and my previous posted comments, but you
still had to further bait me with more insulting personal
Your immaturity and insults are on display here.
I tried to take the high road, and just post facts to
disprove the "no Osama/Saddam link" you allege, without
responsing to your personal insults.
Wednesday said:
Sweet Zombie Reagan, man!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: you people post
too long.
I respond exactly as long as is required to disprove the
false allegations that YOU RAISED !
Wednesday said:
Call me ignorant, lazy, and uneducated, but do all of you
long-winded fellows really think what you have to say is
so important that it deserves a dissertation?
As I said, I'm just responding to the points raised. If I
respond briefly, I'm accused of "not backing up" what I
If I give links and detailed answers, then I'm accused
of boring you with long-winded answers.
So... I'm damned either way by your hostile partisan
liberal crap.
Wednesday said:
I know most of that's quotes, but, man, I really hope you
posted all that for the benefit of the Partisan Family,
cuz I'm pretty darn sure most ain't gonna sit down and
actually read all that. Jim Jackson, grab yourself a
chair, cuz I'm sure all that's cuz of your 9/11 crack, and
it's gonna be a while.
You guys post the angry baiting crap, and I try to politely
answer your points while ignoring your antagonism.
And then I'm vilified for even responding politely !
Just amazing...