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Jim Jackson said:
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
In addition, I hasten to add that the Clinton
administration and virtually every Democrat in the House
and Senate as well, supported regime change in Iraq
since 1998
The reason for going to war in Iraq, pre-emptively, was not
for regime change. Bush told us it was because Iraq had
WMDs and that those WMDs posed a threat to the United
States. It was only after no substantive trace of WMDs was
found that Bush changed his story and decided we went in
for regime change.
A failure of leadership...
That's the liberal spin of the truth. I've linked Bush's
1-28-2003 State of the Union speech half a dozen times in
the "It's not about oil or Iraq..." topic, and
elsewhere (and Bush's other speeches leading up to the
war), and you keep right on posting the same distortions
and outright lies.
In addition, David Kay found that Iraq was unquestionably
in material breach of the U.N. ban on it having WMD's,
with extensive WMD research, ready to go into production
as soon as sanctions were lifted. And like the F-16's
buried in the desert, WMD's are likely buried somewhere in
Iraq, or have been slipped across the border to Syria, or
both. "Not found" is not the same as "proven not to
And you do remember the Sarin-tipped missile that was found
about a month ago ? Much was made of the fact that this
proves there are WMD's in Iraq. Where one exists,
there are, no doubt, more.
Bush clearly stated a number of reasons for entering Iraq,
primary of which was the 10 U.N. resolutions calling
directly for Saddam to disarm.
Plus Saddam's genocide, torture and rape rooms, aggression
toward his neighbors, non-compliance with U.N. weapons
inspectors (throwing them out of Iraq entirely from 1998-
2002, and not cooperating with inspectors even after they
were permitted back inside Iraq), and on and on. WMD's
are barely mentioned in Bush speeches prior to war, far
more emphasis is given to the other transgressions I just
Granted, WMD's were the urgency that got the House and
Senate to more quickly sign on to invade Iraq. But when
Bush persuaded the American public with his speeches in
the months leading up to war, his emphasis was enforcing
the U.N. resolutions, and ending torture, rape and
genocide in Saddam's Iraq. Much as liberals and a
complicit media try distort the record to say otherwise,
to vindictively undermine Bush's presidency.
"This Man, This Wonder Boy..."