Vengeance is mine, saith the idiot
1.A woman in Portland, Maine, angry about a Saturday morning farmers market because it interfered with her bike riding, was caught spreading dog poop around a local park. Farmers had been complaining about the mess for the better part of two summers. Police say the woman would save her own dog's droppings and would follow dog owners and collect dog doo from garbage cans.
2.In Wellington, New Zealand, a cell phone subscriber sent an average of 2,850 text messages a day in May to protest a price increase. Allowing eight hours for sleep every day, Fraser Ray, 24, zapped off 80,012 messages after Telecom Corp. decided to end a deal giving subscribers unlimited text messaging for $6.29 a month.
3.In Roanoake, Va., Michael Keith Williams was charged with stabbing Jonathan Freel to death after Freel gave a friend of Williams a wedgie. According to lawyers, Freel walked up to the man in a downtown bar and gave the man a wedgie with "a force and thrust so great, so severe, he ripped the man's underwear clean off his body."
4.At the Punta Gorda prison in Punta Gorda, Fla., inmate James "Happy" Borland suffered a concussion when he was roughed up by two other inmates Borland had accused of stealing his pet spider and renaming it "Pinky." One of the men, who said he had purchased the spider fair and square, said he had to go after Borland because Pinky "told" him to.