Gaunt had regained his composure only to watch as Lykopis lost hers. She lashed out at the beast in a savage clash of steel and bone, striking hard and howling and laughing madly.

She was a wild thing, full of graceful fury and fierce skills. Gaunt caught himself admiring her. This is not a good thing. She is lost within the hold of the wendigo. If the hellhound does not kill her, she will fall into a deeper madness and finish herself.

Under the sounds of Lykopis' battle, Gaunt heard the otherwordly tune begin again. He steeled himself against it's effects and began to follow it to it's source. I dislike leaving her behind, but if I do not free her from the wendigo, she will be of no use to anyone. . .

The Shadow Chancellor made his way down the hall, following the eerie whistling tune. Arriving at a cabin, he listened at the door. There was breathing inside. Movement. Something stumbled over something.

Gaunt began to concentrate as shadow matter formed around his hands. A small, single bladed axe soon took shape as he readied himself.

He slammed into the door shoulderfirst, knocking it open, and raise his axe above his head. "Thank god you came!" A familiar voice startled him and prevented him from going further.

Looking forward into the cabin, the only light provided by a small desk lamp, Gaunt saw the outstretched form of Drake Marshall, laying on a bed, and holding his arms over his stomach. His communicator lay off to one side. "Help. . .me. . .it got me. . ."

"Marshall? Where is Link? What attacked you?" The Shadow Chancellor lowered his weapon and slowly moved towards the VE field team leader.

". . .hellhound. . .it was too fast. . ." Marshall's eyes were pleading with him. "please. . .help. . ."

"What happened to your. . .VILE BEAST!" Gaunt swung his shadow weapon at Marshall, attempting to take off his head as the wendigo shifted into it's natural state.

The creature laughed a guttural, sickening sound, as it slipped backwards and away from the Shadow Chancellor. Gaunt noticed the creature's abdomen was still wounded.

"So, he did take a bite out of you." The creature hissed at this, and took a swipe at the Vanguardian. Gaunt stepped backwards out of the range of the lamp's rays and disappeared into the darkness. "I have a few tricks of my own, beast." His voice sounded from nowhere.


On the other side of the ship, several more wendigos pounded their way into it's insides, climbing aboard the vessel. . .