Adem and Icarus made their way towards the engine room, following the recomendation Jym had given them. "What do you suppose is there?" asked the flier to the alien.
"Nothing pleasent I'm sure," was all the alien would say in reply.
Turns out the signal Jym had been concerned about was actually two hellhounds and a human. A live human.
"Hello boys," said Lykopis, on the back of a hellhound. "These are Lords Asbjorn and Cerberes, guardian of of their underworlds."
If Asbjorn was the epitome of decay and rigor mortis, then Cerberes was the epitome of bodily perfection. Just as the Greeks idolized the human body and sculpted it with the ideal image in mind, so Cerberes seemed melted from bronze and cast into the ideal form of a wolf. His muscles were massive and taunt, the flesh hiding the magnificent lightning that ran in his nerves. There was not one scrap of fat of strand of uneven hair on his body. His black tail twictched as if it had a mind of its own. And instead of one head, Cerberes bore three canine heads with narrow jaws and clean white teeth. His red eyes were bright beacons and all six ears were alert. Asbjorn looked quite ragged next to this purebreed 'dandy', but it was also appartent between the two hounds that Asbjorn outranked the Greek guardian of Hades.
Icarus spoke first. "Oh shit, there's two more."
"They wont hurt us," said Lykopis. "Asbjorn promised me."
"So long as you don't get in the way of our duty," said Lord Asbjorn. "Ever since this snowmen came into this world, we've been trying to eradicate them."
"But they--"
"--keep on--"
"--refusing to die," said the three heads of Cerberus.
"It seems to me," said Lykopis, "that we need to regroup. Let us go find where Drake and Link and Guant are at. We can decide then what Vanguard needs to do."
Icarus pointed at Asjborn. "With them? The Tim Burton version of Pluto and his trusty three-headed sidekick? Didn't they kill some of the people on this ship?"
"Only the humans that the Wendigoes tricked into attacking us," said Asbjorn. Lykopis looked embarassed. "You mortal humans seem to fall for their tricks very easily."
Adem looked at Lykopis. He smiled faintly. "I assume you were 'duped', Miss Lykopis."
Lykopis merely gritted her teeth. She was eager to change the subject to something else besides her embarassment. "Can we just go find Drake now?"