Now that the mission was over, the team enjoyed the reception Paragon had prepared for them back at their headquarters: a small coctail party, nothing too ellaborate, just a small quantity of drink and food, accompanied by some relaxing music.

As the team drank, ate, and rested, Link found his way to Paragon. "Excellent idea, William," Fox said.

"Thank you. I thought you'd like it," Paragon replied.

"The rest seem to be enjoying themselves, too," Fox said as the two men observed the rest of the team sitting in comfortable couches around a small glass table. "Some group you've got here..."

"We've got here," Paragon corrected. "I don't own them. I'm as part of it as you or any of them are."

Link nodded and took a sip from his glass of scotch. Then, whithout looking at Paragon, he said, "I won't be returning, you know."

Paragon looked at him, confused. Link kept on taking small sips from his glass.

"May I ask why?" William asked, and, anticipating the answer, he added, "I think I... we deserve to know that much."

"Can't stay." Link just shook his head slowly. "...just can't risk it..." Link said, more to himself than to his new friend, before taking another small sip. "That's all you need to know."

Paragon seemed a bit annoyed. "Drake told me what happened inside... You told them who you are."

"I had no choice."

"Is that it? Is that why you're leaving?"

Link drank the rest of his scotch in one not so small sip, and left the glass in a nearby table as he patted Paragon in the back with his other hand. "You've been great, William. You've been all great. Say good-bye to them for me, will you?"

Paragon couldn't believe what he was hearing. Without saying another word, Link left the room.