Let me just tell you guys something. It takes at least a full hour to write out a full on replay. And for a pay per view replay it's generally twice that.

Coming up with a show, depends on the show. I try to work with the ongoing angles where I can and fit in some stuff I think would be good matches as well. In addition to trying to work in people who show up, complain they're not on the card, and then leave again, after I've come up with ways to work them in. I look at pay per views the same way, but they're generally longer, so you have more room for more people. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it isn't.

Doc and I basically sat down last week and worked out the preliminary idea for SummerScam, leaving us some room to run things (like Sammitch's discovery of the forum) that might come up later.

I know it's just a fun distraction, and a little way to pass time, but doing the legwork on this stuff does take time and effort. I know that Nowhereman's busy as fuck with his life and hasn't had much time. So I don't mind stepping in and trying to keep things going.

But some weeks, there just isn't time. Doc and I both get worn down with our jobs sometime (as well as personal business) and just don't have the energy or desire to deal with stuff right away.

So when people scream for a Havoc or a replay because they have something that they absolutely must do, and we stop and take time and put one together, and then nobody responds following. . .it kinda takes the shine off somewhat, you know?