Done. And for the love of Gob, SoM, pick a gender and stick with it!

Good stuff on the profiles, guys. Nice to see some characters being fleshed out. But is it me or are there a lot of Jericho/Benoit/Edge style wrestlers in this place?

And, yes, guys, it takes a shitload of work to do this stuff. I'd spend an hour or more doing the play-by-plays to make them balanced and to not outright job people. I think that is bad form. As you can notice, the replays got smaller and smaller as time went on because of all the thought and effort put into them. Sometimes I wouldn't even post one because I was too gobdamned tired to put forth the effort. We've now reached the use of highlights, which make it that much easier. This whole thing is an ongoing experiment where we're still trying to work out the best ways of doing things. Nowhereman hit on a great idea by having voting decide the matches. We then progressed to concealed polls to prevent abuse of alt id voting and to keep up the suspense on outcomes. So, considering all our other responsibilities and such, we've put a great deal of time into this.

Most Havocs are posted at work since I ususally don't get online until late at night, if at all, at home; and I know that if they aren't up before I leave work at 5, someone will start a Where's the Havoc? thread. So things will get rushed sometimes to appease the masses. I enjoy doing it. I like working with you guys on angles and everything. It's fun. Just don't always expect the very best or a full show from just Grimm and I either. We've given you guys a lot more free reign than most real wrestling companies so that you can have as much fun as you want. Take advantage of it. Have fun.

That being said, the Scam will go up today. Staying with the formula of the PPV here, voting will go on for one week. So, prepare your promos for the Scam and work on your post PPV storylines. Remember, it's going to be an outdoor arena on the New Jersey side of the Hudson river. SoM, remind me about the Dave thing when the Scam is over so I can remember to put your match on the card.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."