Gobdamnit! Can't we just have fun?!

Listen, due to a collective set of circumstances, I'm not in the mood to put up with this shit. The voting was put in place because everyone who wanted to do this when I originally started it didn't want to help contribute by working out their matches. That would have left me (and it was just me at the time) to coordinate angles, book matches and their outcomes, do the play by play, AND act as GM in the threads. It just wasn't worth all the time and effort. The voting takes a lot of the work off mine and everyone else's shoulders. No, it doesn't always give us the outcome we want; but we ALL have to deal with it.

And Snarf, the way you've been acting in this and the event threads has been akin to Jericho in his WCW days. Now, either get a rulebook and play up that angle; or do something to change your gimmick. Either way I think you need to inject a bit more humor or flair into your promos because some of them seem to get bogged down with a little too much self pity that just doesn't sit well when we're having to deal with the written word here. That might be why you aren't receiving many votes. Your character just isn't coming off well in the written context.

Also, concerning face/heel status. I'm letting you guys go on with what you've put down so far, but that doesn't mean that's the way it will stay. We can call for turns depending on feuds or desire to mix up the chemistry. Already my character has shifted from heel to a face and now bounces between a face and neutral position based on what needs to be done. Everyone else needs to be open to a turn and willing to make it work. Remember, stagnation is what's making the WWE product so boring.

In summation, we're not all going to get everything we want. We've got to deal with that and not let it bother us. Instead, try and find a way to work with it and make it fun. Don't take it too seriously. Afterall, what we're doing here is beyond fake. It's practically non-existent.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."