That was a combined effort.

When Sammitch and I had our feud, I made mention of wanting to try a heel turn. Unfortunately, it didn't go anywhere at the time. However, about three or four weeks ago, the idea of actually doing the heel turn full-force was brought up again. The way the idea was presented - no names used to protect identity - had me excited. I was going to do a full heel turn.

The match you read was as much Chris' creation as mine. The items used, the entrances, the attacks - full collaboration on Chris' and my parts. Once the final part of the match was worked out (the betrayal and the turn), I wrote up the match. It was the fastest Recap I've ever written. It was easy and fun to write. The best parts, for me, were:

1)Getting battered with a Sunday Globe

2) Almost getting run-down with a hot dog cart (two items Chris recommended)

3) The Sam Adams dump (another Oakley recommendation)

4) The Red Sox Trophy (a last-minute inspiration based on the final outcome)

I've waited almost a full month to talk about this - my partner-in-crime will tell you that the suspense has been killing me. I hope, as certain things happened, you thought "OH! So THAT'S what he meant when he said that!" And, when the final betrayal was revealed, you were surprised, shocked, pissed off...whatever. That was my goal - to give you at least one match that'd make you say some variation of "wow".

Regarding the Rumble as a whole, I want to say "thank you" to PenWing, who was a huge help in getting the match Recaps done quickly and well. The Women's Boobie Match and the Hardcore Triple Threat Matches were mostly (75%+) his work, with a few ideas tossed in by me. To James and Charlie, all I can say is "great work". I expanded on the stuff you two did, but your Recaps gave me a lot to play with. It's a pleasure to have you two on the roster. And, to my fallen opponent, Chris Oakley: this was a fun I don't see ending anytime soon. Thank you.

Okay, enough niceness, kudos, and assorted gayness. I'm a heel now - that means it's time to tear things up in the RDCW. Look forward to getting your asses kicked in 2005, boys!!!

"The Future Of Hardcore Is NOW..."

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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