
SpandexMonkeyMan said:

Short answer: yeah. Long version: Hell Yeah!

No disrespect to Snarf, who I think's had a good run. But balanced against that is the fact that he's not around very much at the moment. Admittedly, I've no problem with his continuing to be a presence here (after all, Notwedge is a major player in the forum, and he only pops up once in a while). But, I'm not sure that he should be holding such a major title while he's sorta inactive.

Plus, the concept of a slightly bonkers superhero holding the major title in the RDCW is a hilariously bizarre one.

I take a week off, and suddenly I'm inactive? Be careful what you wish for, SPAMM. I have a tendency of RETIRING people around here!

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!