
thedoctor said:

King Snarf said:
Charlie, all I want is for the match write-ups to reflect the voting results. Say you had a match with Oakley, and the all the votes go to you and none for Oakley, meaning you were the clear victor. Now, what if the write-up for that match wound up as a draw or a no-contest? Would you be upset with that?

Snarf, how many recaps have you submitted for your matches? How much work have you put into these matches? The more you participate, the more you have control over how your matches look. It's that fucking simple. As long as you aren't helping out with your recaps and only doing an average of one promo a month, I, honestly, don't give a damn about how you feel. When all the work for recaps gets thrown in our laps, we're taking the easiest way out to do them because writing one recap after another and keeping it fresh is hard work.

When this thing first started to kick off, you were a main participant. You got title shot after title shot despite voting constantly going against you. You then found a niche with your character that excelled you all the way up to Heavyweight Cheese Champ. Since then, you've dropped the ball. If you want better character representation, then do some work other than whining about it all over the boards. Do some promos and some recaps. Help us help you, as the old saying goes.

First, in the past, I have rarely submitted a recap because I trusted those in charge to write a fair and accurate reflection of the voting results. Silly me.

Second, I haven't posted anything recently because I can't think of a decent angle at the moment. There was something planned with some other posters, but when those posters had some personal problems, and did the right thing and opted not to proceed, feeling it would've been in bad taste.

Lastly, I have not whined all over the boards. I've whined in this forum, in this thread. If you have seen me bitch in the Comics, Women, Deep Thoughts, or Arcade forums about this, please post a link, and I will humbly apologize for whining all over the boards.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!