You know Snarf, I put a lot of effort into the promos and matches I write. It doesn't matter whether it's for me or someone else, I still treat it like my own. I put effort into Meeko and Lor, and others, because the people who participate in this forum, and the girls I write things for, appreciate my work. They read this forum to be entertained, and all the feedback I've gotten tells me that I have succeeded. I have worked with just about everyone who posts here on one angle or another since I've taken a more active role in booking. That includes you. I just lost the Cheese title I won from you to Joe Mama. Joe Mama didn't write that match. I did. I didn't cry about losing the poll. I sat down, and I wrote one of the best matches, if not the best match I have ever written for this forum. And for now, I have stepped aside so that someone else can get a shot at the title. That doesn't mean I won't invoke my rematch clause. I will, when the time is right. But for now, someone else is going to earn that spotlight of number one contender and quite possibly Big Cheese Champion. That's the way it works. If you want to step out, fine. When you put in effort, you wrote some great stuff. We all know what you are capable of, and any one of us would be willing to work with you on an angle. Ultimately, your fate is in your own hands. Impress the voters, and you'll win. Do nothing, and you won't. It really is that simple.

<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
RDCW Profile

"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs

"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>