Other than Chloe and Lois' hotness, Lex's bad-ass-ness, and the discovery of magic as Clark's weakness, this episode stunk. It was corny, there were times I wanted to shut it off...and I never do that to Smallville. The storyline was okay but parts of it, and the Superman mythos altogether, don't add up. Lex was cool as always, what Lana did to him was just harsh. Him and that Jason character saved the episode from totally sucking.

The 'witch' story would have been better had their book not had the Kryptonian language all over it. I still haven't made sense of how that, the caves, and all these prophesies (sp?) fit into Clark becoming Superman. I understand how the cave fits if Jor-el was the one that put it there. But the show keeps suggesting the cave and its symbols were there long before Jor-el's visit. That just doesn't make sense, were Kryptonians on Earth even before Jor-el was there. He certainly wasn't there in the 1600's.

Maybe I'm putting too much thought into it, but I hope that gets tied together soon.