
Jeremy said:
I still haven't made sense of how that, the caves, and all these prophesies (sp?) fit into Clark becoming Superman. I understand how the cave fits if Jor-el was the one that put it there. But the show keeps suggesting the cave and its symbols were there long before Jor-el's visit. That just doesn't make sense, were Kryptonians on Earth even before Jor-el was there. He certainly wasn't there in the 1600's.

its not necessarily jor-el's work.

the caves and their carvings are from indiginous natives who lived in the area hundreds of years ago. that, plus the introduction of these stones (which are thousands of earth years old) seem to indicate that kryptonians have been exploring other worlds for generations.

the speculation makes this superman an almost biblical figure, who was prophesized and foretold for generations.

giant picture