Okay, so Smallville won't be on tonight so... how about we speculate a little about where this season is heading...

The Stones

There's some who think that the three stones, when assembled, will either lead to and/or build the Fortress of Solitude (the "great library of knowledge") like the green crystal in the first movie built the FoS. If that's true, I think it'd be fantastic.

The location of the stones -

This is something I noticed and thought was interesting...

Where did Lex find the "fire" stone? In the deserts of Egypt.

Where did Lionel find the "water" stone? In the flooded ruins of a Mayan temple, within the statue of a Mayan water god.

I'm betting that if the "air" stone is found this season, then it'll probably be found at a high altitude, like a mountain range in Tibet or the Swiss Alps, maybe. What do you all think?

The Tatoo(s)

Something else I noticed...

Now, Lana's "water" tatoo didn't disappear after the witch was exorcised so I'm assuming it still has some significance to the main storyline (unless it disappears after the Jane Seymour storyline) and....

Clark has been "branded" with the "air" symbol before (it reappeared on Kal-El in "Crusade" when Clark/Kal-El were split), so do you think that someone else will get the "fire" mark this season? Jonathan? Pete (if he comes back)? Chloe? Lois?

I don't think it would be Lex because the stones seem to have a reaction when Lex gets near them. If you notice, the "fire" and "water" stones didn't start to "signal" Clark until they were within arm's reach of Lex (the "fire" stone didn't signal until the statue was broken, the "water" stone didn't signal until Lionel was within a few feet of Lex in the prison).

What is the significance of the marks? Will Clark need two other people to find or "unlock" the Fortress?

Room 33.1

What do you think is in Room 33.1, the room Lex brought Mxyzptlk to? I think that either Lex is collecting former Freaks of the Week, or Room 33.1 is a relocated and expanded "Clark Room" (the room where he kept all the information he's collected on Clark since the car wreck).

The Future

Assuming a fifth season, what do you think they'll do? Clark, Chloe, & Lana are all seniors this year, so do think they'll all go to Metropolis U. next year? I'm certain that if there is a fifth season, Lois will become a regular character and I hope that they start showing more of the Daily Planet and Michael McKean as Perry.

What about the name of the series? They could still call it SMALLVILLE since Clark could very easily go back and forth between Smallville and Metropolis. They could also keep the SMALLVILLE title in the sense that Lois has given Clark the nickname "Smallville". Get it? The title could then refer to Clark himself as opposed to the town itself. Of course, they could simply drop the title of SMALLVILLE altogether and change the name of the show to METROPOLIS. You never know...