
rex said:

Registered Member #552 said:
The Future

Assuming a fifth season, what do you think they'll do? Clark, Chloe, & Lana are all seniors this year, so do think they'll all go to Metropolis U. next year? I'm certain that if there is a fifth season, Lois will become a regular character and I hope that they start showing more of the Daily Planet and Michael McKean as Perry.

I think they plan to have a fifth season. It would still be in smallville because if it was in metropolis, it would be superman. I think they also want to keep a separation between smallville and the new superman movie.

Well, he won't be Superman until he puts the suit on. As to Metropolis, it's always been a part of the show, from a background element to having episodes feature it more than Smallville itself ("Insurgence," for example). Lois will be featured in all the second-half of the season's episodes and according to interviews Michael McKean is supposed to be returning as Perry sometime toward the end of the season.