Even though I found it uneasy during parts of this episode, it isn't often I see a new show where the lesson is about SAVING virginity. Normally you won't see a virgin on television or a movie unless the whole plot revolves around getting them to give it up. At least Lana and Clark made it three seasons.

The other lesson here is about second chances. Do any of us deserve a second chance? Or are we so wrapped up in our own agendas that we wouldn't know a precious gift if it bludgeoned us over the head? There's only one way to find out: Give the gift, and see if anyone's brave enough to accept it. Elisha messed up her second chance, and even though Clark had a tear in his eye as a result, he did the right thing and decided not to see her anymore.

I acutally liked Elisha when she appeared last season, that is, the way she and Clark met and the date, but only up to the part where she teleported into his room. She could have been handled better and maybe even stuck around for a few episodes, like Lex's fiancee and Jason. I suppose all kryptonite powered humans have to be psycho freaks.


Batwoman said:
How did Clark not realize she put red k in the necklace? You'd think he'd notice right away.

Because he was blinded by his feelings for her, and couldn't see himself with anyone else unless they, too, had a unique gift/curse that makes one feel utterly alone. That kind of emotional involvement tends to cloud one's judgement, even make it impossible to be objective about the big picture. I can tell, because his disappointed mother can't get through to him that there's someone else out there. His time will come, he just doesn't realize it yet, even if we do.


Jeremy said:
Lana wanting to give it up to Jason: Stoopid!

I myself have been a victim of the "put out or get/stay out" line from someone right out a stereotype catalog, and I don't see how anyone listens to that and gives in, so for Lana to not listen to that and want to give in? Yeah, stoopid as a parachute that only opens on impact. No wonder Clark hasn't told her his secret; she may have no concept of sacredity. And I thought that hot tub offer Clark got at the beginning of the show was bad. The witch DID leave her body, didn't she?

There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes, and maybe it’s too much for us, but it’s all on you. Because if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we’ll avenge it.

Put Natasha on the phone.
Who is this?
This is her fucking son's father. Who is this?
This is her fucking son.
Call back in 20 minutes. *click*

Boy, you could get lost in a sky like that. I wish I had those balloons again.