
Rob Kamphausen said:
good recap, mcgurk.


McGurk said:
I acutally liked Elisha when she appeared last season, that is, the way she and Clark met and the date, but only up to the part where she teleported into his room. She could have been handled better and maybe even stuck around for a few episodes, like Lex's fiancee and Jason.

to my knowledge, she'll be hanging around as a return character now.

its somethin!


Whatever they do with Elisha, she will hopefully realize why she won't eventually marry Clark.

There's a reason Clark gave up a chance to be a normal human being and went after the out-of-control kid to whom his powers were transferred to. There's a reason Clark tried to keep Whitney and Lana from breaking up, even though he could have used his (possibly) only chance to be with Lana himself. There's a reason he turned down Elisha's offer to move to California, even though he had a special connection with her that doesn't come easy. Clark is just the kind of person that puts the greater good before his own personal feelings. He was found by the Kents, not the Luthors. Elisha couldn't/didn't accept that, wanting him to move with her so badly that she stopped at nothing to get what she wanted, and she almost did because Clark trusted her with his secret. Believe me, given the chance, there are many more out there who'd have pulled a similar succubus stunt with Red K if they knew what it would do.

The vivacious, stubborn, and opinionated Lois, unless I'm mistaken, has never used Kryptonite against Clark. That's what it really means to be trusted with a secret, even though she once toyed with another weakness of his that was mentioned in Adventures of Superman #505. (Go ahead. Look. I'll wait.)

Let's see what happens tonight..