
Rob Kamphausen said:
tonight's finale was good! not as good as i wanted it to be -- i feel it left a lot more "unwravelled" than last season's excellent finale.

all the same, i really enjoyed it.

though, that musta been the saddest high school graduation ever, what with 78 students having died over the past 4 years, and all.

That high school is so unrealistic especially in a town like that. I doubt they have a school paper that sophisticated. The Talon? I'll stop while I'm ahead.

Aside from those things that finally hit me as being not only unrealistic in general, but just not seem to fit in with the general Supermna back story, I do have a question. What the heck happened in the last half hour? I tuned into Alias and didn't tape it, long story which will end with me buying a new VCR before the fall season starts.

I saw the bit in the cave where Chloe very wussingly knocked Lex down/out and he woke up and started to go toward the entrance of the light, then went back to Alias and didn't get a chance to go back and see what happened.

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.