Possibilities for just who is in the space ship :

Zod...waiting to meet Clark and tell him that HE is Jor - EL.

Mon - EL....Wouldn't THAT be cool!!!

Krypto.... " Krypto, put that Buick back! it is NOT a doggie toy! "

Beppo ..." I'm sorry Lana, I can't go out with you tonite, I have a super monkey on my Back... "

Hayden Christensen ..... " Why couldn't I have played Clark? I'm a good actor..no really, I am.. "

Yoda ....." Clark, the force you must use... "

George Bush .... " Clark, have you registered as an alien yet? "

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.