quote:Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts: lets not even mention the fact that hits have been taken on his family for gambling debts....
Let's not, since you're actually talking about Pete Rose here.
Jordan is also a well known gambler but his PR folks cover it up better.
Franta, guess what? If I had fifty billion dollars and my kids were already guaranteed CAREERS much less educations, I'd gamble the shit outta that too. What does that make him any less of a basketball player or something?
Yeah his PR people cover up lots. You know what else? He's cheated on his wife like three hundred times. He dealt sponsorship to a Republican faction that openly promoted segregation in certain universities because quote "Republicans buy sneakers too." and he may have a love child as well...
But none of that takes away from what he's done for the game of B-Ball. Egomaniac? Fuck yes. What would you be?
Oooooooh OK.... so he can play basketball so ALL sins can be forgiven!!!