Originally posted by La Machine:
To all haters...

Michael Jordan is the reason basketball still has a wide fan base, both nationally and internationally, and has not sunk to the status hockey is in right now.

Fucking Period.

I don;t care how much you like, dislike him, whatever. A one-man economic boom like that does NOT get ignored.

Now on the flipside, I think he's going to leave this season. Yes, he may still have it in him for one more, but I don't think he would stay in it unless he had a realistic shot at another title, and the Wizards just have too many steps to take. So in the meantime,
Fuck Jerry Krause for robbing the best all-round player of the game of three years of his prime career. [you sunnuva...]

Big fucking deal...he generated interest in a sport.....
when he cures cancer develops a plan for world peace or hell donates half of his fortune to charity...then Ill be impressed.