Originally posted by THE Franta:
Big fucking deal...he generated interest in a sport.....
when he cures cancer develops a plan for world peace or hell donates half of his fortune to charity...then Ill be impressed.

...seeing as how NOBODY has done any of that, you're saying that nobody has ever impressed you?

Originally posted by Franta:
As I said same with Johnny Carson. But somehow Johnny is able to avoid the lime light, because he doesnt and didnt repeatedly put himself IN the limelight. And yeah I would say that at the height of his popularity he did have the same following of Jordan. He just managed to hide himself instead of returning for specials and retiring time and again.

I totally don't agree that Johnny ever had the same following, but especially not when he quit. He quit when he was old and gave some-40 years to television, naturally making it easier for people to accept. And Jay Leno continued to win the time slot following Carson's departure, so the dropoff in interest wasn't nearly as severe as it was in the NBA(which, unlike The Tonight Show, you no longer see on NBC for this reason). I agree that Jordan has never shied from the spotlight like Carson(who has returned for specials and guest spots, btw), probably never will, but I've yet to be convinced if he could.

Originally posted by peteroseatemyshorts:
Pete Rose isnt my god I don't even know him....I do know that Jordan plays the media and the Jordan Zombies for all their worth.....

Oh, yeah, and Pete Rose HASN'T DONE THAT AT ALL...nope, he's not taking advantage of being barred from baseball by setting up a merchandise shop just down the road from the Hall of Fame, no sirree...

Originally posted by prams:
For the record I would like to state Major League Baseball signed an agreement stating that after a lengthy investigation they had no finding that Pete Rose bet on Baseball.

For the record I would like to state that a grand jury found O.J. Simpson not guilty.