Originally posted by Franta Clause:
Another myth perpetuated by his PR. And also very coincidental his dad was murdered...

No, I got this again from Sam Smith, who, once again, Michael Jordan despises.

Its not what he says its how he says it!
...posting on a message board? Or do you two know each other personally?

Well when you defend a slave driver yeah you would seem to be falling for his tricks!
...are you getting confused due to the size of this thread? I called him the greatest of all-time, said that his playing status is newsworthy and that he couldn't disappear from the spotlight if he wanted to. This is "defending a slave driver"? And Rob wonders why I have no interest in doing a weekly column around here...

Originally posted by a dipshit:
i cannot fathom how someone can correlate an autograph stand by the hall of fame to working children to death in a sweatshop, it just shows you the degree of Brainwashing Jordans media people have done!

I cannot fathom where you think I made this correlation.

Yeah coz kids working in sweatshops in another country dont count as REAL kids.
I think that his sweat shops, gambling and womanizing have all been well documented then quickly hushed up.
Obviously Michael Jordan built those sweatshops with his bare hands! :lol:

Now before somebody feels the need to flash their lack of IQ, I am in no way saying MJ is free of guilt. I'm not one to think that anybody has a natural moral obligation to anybody else in the world, but I do hold it against someone when they do less than they could. And Michael did way, way less than he could've.

"Womanizing"? What, you're saying that you wouldn't sleep with Vanessa Williams? Or any woman you wanted to like you could in Michael's position? And the NBA's entire history is filled with players who cheat on their wives, Michael just happens to be a part of it. I guess they all have great pr teams, eh?

Oops, I just defended him again! Obviously this means I'm a Jordan Zombie who encourages adultery, rape and child pornography!