Quote: harleykwin said: Just read Clive Barker's The Hellbound Heart which was the novella that Hellraiser was based on. Really good. Now I'm reading Books of Blood, Vol 1-3 also by Barker. His stuff gives me the chills - different than King, but just as addictive.
I'm absolutely sic for Barker's early stuff. Anything he put out prior to 'Thief' is bloody fucking amazing! You absolutely need to read 'Weaveworld', 'Imagica', 'The Great and Secret Show' and 'Everville'. You'll thank yourself for taking the time. They're all standout works that will leave you wondering how the fuck you ever thought King was worth reading.
Let me tell you something - I love horror books and have recently gotten into horror movies (I netflixed Hellraiser right after I finished Hellbound Heart) but surprisingly never picked up Barker's stuff. A friend of mine who is also into horror books reccommended it and I cannot - I mean literally CANNOT - believe I never read his stuff before! He is absolutely fantaastic. Certain stories in Books of Blood have literally given me goosebumps (Dread immediatley comes to mind - it totally gave me the heebie jeebies), but they have all been great. I'm moving Friday, but I'm hoping that sometime this weekend I can get back to a bookstore to pick up more of his stuff. I'll pick up your recs as well. And I actually thought of you when I saw Hellraiser, bc. I remembered your Pinhead avatar when I first started posting here. The Cenobites are so cool. (and I also saw Hard Candy which I loved was an absolute mind fuck and scarier than half the tripe out there these days, but that's for the DVD thread.)
I'm also picking up a few Robert McCannon and Micheal Laino books. I've read Poe and Lovecraft - which seems to be a basic standard - but any recs as to other horror writers you like who may be flying under the radar?
Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi