The fact that you have to talk yourself up as taking down entire message board communities just reflects how badly you've lost this argument, bsams. Something like that is a last resort for people who've got nothing and know it, but hope to fool everyone else into thinking otherwise. What do you expect me to do when you say that, anyway? Run away? Buy your comic book? Really, tell me, how am I supposed to be impressed because you've 'won' bitchfights with guys like Jack?
So making up a story that Jordan's dad was killed by the mob shows how right you are and wrong everyone else is? It must be so great to live in such denial.
quote:Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts: they always cover people with mob connections!
lets not even mention the fact that hits have been taken on his family for gambling debts....
I had no idea Jordans dad was killed because of Pete Rose betting.......i missed that story...
the mob got to you didnt they?
Wow! That really does show how right you are and wrong everyone else is! Undeniable proof!
I love how everyone who has an opinion differing from yours has to be brainwashed, and overlooking conspiracy theories, not an intelligent person who just happens to have a different opinion than yours. That whole thing with Jack...that wasn't just you battling insomnia, was it?
quote:As always I win again, and again!
As always you're hiding behind your more intelligent friends arguing for you, and hoping that you'll be so annoying that whoever's fighting with you will just leave so you can declare yourself the winner undisputedly.