Quote: Uschi said: Read it? I've had to buy it three times because I've worn it out from reading it (that and I dislike HC). While I adore Farenheit 451, it is farther from Bradbury's typical style - his comfort zone, if it may be. F.451 and Something Wicked are the only two novel stories he ever wrote, to my knowledge (since Illustrated Man is mostly a collection of shorts despite being tied together by one main short - and Martian Chronicals are based on the same idea but still a collection of shorts - and I never read Dandilion Wine so I dunno what that is - but now I have to take this all back because also did that one Halloween Tree which follwed the same pattern as Illustrated Man....
As my train of thought has derailed, yes. I love Farenheit 451 madly.
I read it (and reviewed it, link in my signature) a couple months ago and instantly loved it. Its currently one of my three favorite books (along with Atlas Shrugged and High Fidelity). I've been recommending the hell out if it to everyone I know.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.