quote:Originally posted by Drzsmith: The only real problem I have with Jordan(besides the ones listed above) is that he's very good friends with confirmed racist Charles Barkley. Jordan is such a "Great Man" you'd think he would be doing something for race relations. As a white male who supports the NBA monetarily I'm appalled!
What kind of NBA supporter are you?
Charles Barkley's MARRIED to a white woman!!! :lol: :lol:
Goddamm, where do you people read this stuff?
Everyone knows that Barkley only married a white woman to piss off the Massah!
Is that supposed to be funny? Or offensive.
I hope you're kidding.
I think Ive earned the right to be pissed of at "The Man" for oppressing African Americans for over two hundred years,lets say its kinda like my reparations. But I'm honest enough to point out the truth about Barkley.