Originally posted by Drzsmith:
Originally posted by La Machine:
Originally posted by Drzsmith:
It's also a known fact that Jordan was NOT a team player,in fact he even went so far as to disrupt team chemistry by not suppoerting a teammate. One of the best players in the league was dissed in print ...Disgraceful.

That statement shows me you know NOTHING of Michael Jordan's actual basketball skills.....

In his first run with the Bulls, he was difficult. Partly because he was the only player that was good on the team for a long time.....He started not trusting his teammates. Then along came Phil Jackson who showed him an offense that could work. Then they got Scottie Pippen, then Horace Grant. Then they started winning.
The only person who EVER criticized Jordan for bad teammate skills was Horace Grant, and that was only because he demanded more money in his contract and they gave it to Michael instead. MJ's greatest game-winning plays in the playoffs have been when he sets himself up as a decoy and PASSES the ball to his wing guard. Who won the game against Portland? Bill Paxon. Who won the game against Phoenix? Steve Kerr. Why did these guys take the shot? Because Jordan GAVE it to them.

What makes Jordan better than any other player in the NBA is that he ELEVATED his team's skills as a TEAM PLAYER. He took a team that didn't have a good center, (Bill Wennington and Luc Longley???) in a league where the center is the most important player, to the championships SIX times. SIX!!!!
For you to say he is not a team player is disgraceful and revealing to me that you have obviously never watched the playoff games he partook in.

I guess you never heard of a guy named Dennis Rodman? Jordan totally turned on this guy and disrupted the team. They bring in poor Rodman to help the team and Jordan(jealous of Rodmans popularity)screws him over.
Are. You Kidding Me?

Dennis Rodman is the worst team player ever. Ask David Robinson. Ask the Dallas Mavericks...... Ask any smart person on the planet. How thefuck did Jordan turn on a guy who said he would only play for the Bulls if he was allowed to skop practice in favor of half an hour on a fucking exercise bike????

Jealous of his popularity???? Man he took thatbum to three championships. He could have had him bumped off that team whenever he wanted to but he didn't? How exactly did Jordan screw Rodman over in giving him three titles?????

Who is this gibroni? Everything you have stated is wrong. I think I'm gonna frame all your posts so children growing up will know what is UNTRUE about MJ.

Oh and Rodman and Barkeley too.