Originally posted by britanyspearseatmyshorts:
You morons have fallen into my web of horror.You see Kristogar and La Machina,it's not whether I like Jordan or not,it's about how I can make idiots dance for my pleasure and you idiots have done exactly as Ive planned. Youve all made absolute fools of yourselves.And EVERYONE is laughing at you! so,I have indeed won again.

Ut oh, you're going against the family here! Franta said way back on page 1 that I ain't an idiot. Does this mean that Franta, too, is a media zombie, or perhaps a zombie of a third and as yet undiscussed sort?

Furthermore, why have you misspelled britney's name in this ID, and why are you demanding that she eat your shorts rather than claiming she's already done the deed?

The game's afoot!