Originally posted by La Machine:
Originally posted by THE Franta:
Notice they dont even try to debate the fact that Jordan is over publicized?

I don't get it. Everybody in America is over-publicized. Ben Fucking Affleck gets more press time than the President. Why exactly is it Jordan that pisses you off so? See, I think you're just trying to justify the fact that you just hate him. Just say it and stop trying to push "facts" into it.....you hate Jordan. For no good reason. You just hate him.
You probably used to cheer for the Knicks, or the Lakers, and he always beat your team and those childhood memories are just sticking in the back of your mind. Right? Riiiight.

uhh no, Affleck does NOT get close to the amount of time as the prez but you're right its more than he has a right to!
See once again you forgot to read my previous posts...NOT ONE CELEBRITY DESERVES HEADLINE NEWS!
I dont care that Jordan retires, I dont care that Jlo and affleck are getting married, I dont care that Martin Sheen filed a protest against Bush I dont care that Hugh Grant got busted with a prostitute. While some of these folks entertain me, I dont give a rats ass what they do in the personal lives. Those that do really need to get a life themselves. Enjoy them playing a game or acting but do your really need to hear about them in the NEWS? If you do turn on E! or watch Entertainment tonight.