Originally posted by La Machine:
Originally posted by THE Franta:
And how the more money you have the better you can cover your illicit deeds.

How about the woman he stiffed?

He was paying her off to keep quiet about their affair but renigged when his PR group spin doctored his infidelity.

First of all, that's "reneged"

secondly, I don't give a fuck about someone's personal life. I guess you were one of those "Bill Clinton should step down beacause he got a bj" people. Which really translates to "Bill Clinton should step down cause he got a bj and I didn't". There are a lot of "better" people who did a mighty lot worse on the infidelity side than Jordan (Like ALL our presidents, Martin Luther King Jr., hell George Washington died from pnemonia after RIDING HOME from his lover's house in the dead of winter.)

weak argument. game and match.

See even Clinton's PR team couldnt match the spin doctoring of Jordan's team!!!!