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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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I must be having an acute psychotic attack. About 24 hours ago, Reuters reported that U. S. officials had identified the source of the info that led to the elevated threat level. Pakistan Source Under Cover When U.S. Confirmed NameThe source was identified as an undercover agent in Pakistan who was communicating with al Qaeda. This of course demolishes the mole's usefulness as an undercover agent for us. On Friday the NY Times published the agent's name -- and the U. S. officials confirmed it. The U. S. officials presumably outed this important info source and destroyed his utility in order to prove that the heightened alert level was for real, not done for political purposes. The disclosure forced the hand of British police who had to mount a hasty raid on agents in London. It's an astounding intelligence blunder, attributable, as one source was quoted as saying, "to incompetence or worse." The item was posted on Reuter's board for only a few hours before being pulled in favor of news items about the wedding of Bush's heart-throb nephew. None of the news media has mentioned it. Nobody cares. Gimme the Prozac fast. Not only don't I feel safe yet, but I now know WHY I don't feel safe. This story has now resurfaced on MSNBC but with a few alterations. Bush offers defense of terrorism alert
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Too bad people had to push the defence alert insisting that it was for political advantage. Such an infortunate climate.
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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terrible podcaster 15000+ posts
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Whomod has opened my eyes!
 I never knew the President had so much direct control over the inner workings of intelligence operations, even down to the lowest levels! It explains why he must be responsible for absolutely everything the intelligence community has done during his Presidency!
 Spare me. I know you can do better.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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Here is the exchange between Condoleeza Rice and Wolf on "Firing Line" with Wolf Blitzer:
Wolf had the following exchange with Condo Rice
"BLITZER: Let's talk about some of the people who have been picked up, mostly in Pakistan, over the last few weeks. In mid-July, Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan. There is some suggestion that by releasing his identity here in the United States, you compromised a Pakistani intelligence sting operation, because he was effectively being used by the Pakistanis to try to find other al Qaeda operatives. Is that true?
RICE: Well, I don't know what might have been going on in Pakistan. I will say this, that we did not, of course, publicly disclose his name. One of them...
BLITZER: He was disclosed in Washington on background.
RICE: On background. And the problem is that when you're trying to strike a balance between giving enough information to the public so that they know that you're dealing with a specific, credible, different kind of threat than you've dealt with in the past, you're always weighing that against kind of operational considerations. We've tried to strike a balance. We think for the most part, we've struck a balance, but it's indeed a very difficult balance to strike."
Does "background" mean "for info only not to be published"? Still, you gotta love Condo. She is the master of talking a lot and saying nothing while simultaneously dodging the initial point.
Jeez! You'd think compromising the very undercover sting operations necessary to make America safer (& for political gain) would elicit more concern among some of you as well as a good percentage of the American media.
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How could they be that stupid. Bush had to be behind this one.
"Basically, you've just responded with argumentative opinion to everything I've said. And you respond with speculations, speculating that I'M speculating. "- Wonder Boy
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Amazing how real live mirrors fiction : Herr Ashcroft issued another one of his phony terrorist warnings today.

Take a good look at this photo. Notice how all the "suspects" seem to look..oh, I don't know...MIDDLE EASTERN? Notice how their skin seems to be a little DARK? Notice how they all seem to have the same types of names? What does that tell you?
You got it, GEORGE BUSH IS A RACIST BIGOT!!! Where are the white guys in this wild west "wanted poster"? Where's the mugshot of my gramma? Gramma gets felt up at airport security all the time...she must have terrorist connections. When are the jackbooted thugs going to drag her off to Abu Ghraib?
Obviously, Bush is trying to stir-up hatred against Muslim Americans by enforcing the stereotype that all terrorists are dark-skinned Arab males with smoking sneakers. As Michael Moore will tell you, the vast majority of terrorists are white males who drive SUV's and listen to Rush Limbaugh. But Bushie just won't be satisfied until muslims are hunted like dogs and forced to wear women's undies over their heads.
Personally, I'd prefer he'd keep these silly warnings to himself, anyway - at least until an actual attack occurs. Then he can explain to us why he didn't bother warning anyone about it.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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I don't understand how you can jump from the fact that an undercover operative INSIDE AL QUEDA's cover was blown to ranting about how some mysterious and unnamed liberal is railing against racial profiling. And if that wasn't enough, you then put on your angry white man cap in order to deride Michael Moore for comments he never made.
That website looks so over the top that i'd be tempted to say it was put up by your side. What's amusing though is that it has some guy there named "Raging Dave'. LOL!
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whomod said: That website looks so over the top that i'd be tempted to say it was put up by your side.
I thought it was your personal blog.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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I think G-man has been looking at poll numbers & it's making him grouchy. Vets are divided almost 50/50 according to CBS on who to vote for.
Fair play!
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ABC News just reported that the British authorities say they have evidence that the London attacks last week were an operation planned by Al Qaeda for the last two years. This was an operation the Brits thought they caught and stopped in time, but they were wrong. The piece of the puzzle ABC missed is that this is an operation the Bush administration helped botch last year.
1. The London bombers, per ABC, are connected to an Al Qaeda plot planned two years ago in Lahore, Pakistan.
2. Pakistani authorities recovered the laptop of a captured Al Qaeda leader, Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan, on July 13, 2004. On that laptop, they found plans for a coordinated series of attacks on the London subway. According to an expert interviewed by ABC, "there is absolutely no doubt that Khan was part of a worldwide Al Qaeda operation, not just in the United States but also in Great Britain and throughout the west."
3. ABC reports that names in the computer matched a suspected cell of Britain's of Pakistani decent, many of who lived near the town of Luton, England. According to ABC, authorities thought they had stopped the subway plot with the arrest of more than a dozen people last year. Obviously, they hadn't.
4. Those arrests were the arrests that the Bush administration botched by announcing a heightened security alert the week of the Democratic Convention. Because the US let the cat out of the bag, the media got a hold of Khan's name, his Al Qaeda contacts found out he was co-opted, and they fled. The Brits had to have a high speed chase to catch some of them as they fled, and, according to press reports, the Brits and Pakistanis both fear that some slipped away.
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003
"mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003
It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks
"A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten
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It's funny how "Paul Weller," despite having registered 10/29/04, has such an intimate knowledge of long dormant, long forgotten, threads begun by "whomod" before "Paul" registered here.
But seriously, how does one have anything to do with the other.
According to your, uh, excuse me, I mean whomod's, original post, the US allegedly revealed the name of an operative. This caused the Brits to swoop down and arrest everyone.
If everyone was arrested already, how can they be the ones who planned the attack?
Answer: unless the Brits let them go, they can't be.
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G-Man, you do realize there is a search engine here do you not? I searched for this old story thinking it'd lead me to the Iraq thread. This one popped up instead.
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003
"mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003
It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks
"A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten
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Point 4 wasn't there originally.
It still doesn't establish (a) that it is the same people or even that (b) the Bush administration's actions were what led to them "getting away."
This is idle speculation. Just another example of how extremists try to blame Bush for everything that goes wrong with anything.
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the G-man said:
This is idle speculation. Just another example of how extremists try to blame Bush for everything that goes wrong with anything.
Add David Blunkett to the list of "Bush haters" blaming Bush for everything that goes wrong.
David Blunkett, the Home Secretary at the time made a very dramatic apology to the dead. I thought nothing of it at the time, but the fact that the bombers may have slipped through his fingers because of a leak, would explain it.
"Former Home Secretary David Blunkett has expressed his sorrow that he could not save the people who died in London's terror attacks, it emerged today. Mr Blunkett, now Work and Pensions Secretary, wrote his message on a card with a floral tribute at King's Cross Station.
The hand-written note stated simply: "In sorrow that I was not able to do more to save you."
Blunkett: Sorry I couldn't save you
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003
"mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003
It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks
"A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten
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This also would explain the comments made by the French Interior Minister Nicolas Sakorzy, after an EU meeting to discuss a response to the bombing. He said that part of the bombers team had been subject to partial arrest in Spring 2004. "Ever since the bombings, police have given the impression that the attackers were what Mr. Clarke today referred to as "foot soldiers" whose very anonymity made it easier for them to slip through the net of the security services. But, after a meeting of European Union interior ministers in Brussels, Nicholas Sarkozy, the French interior ministry, said: "It seems that part of this team had been subject to partial arrest" in the spring of 2004. Mr. Clarke denied that. "I did not have any conversation with Mr. Sarkozy about it and I simply don't know where he could have got that from to make these remarks," he said. Mr. Sarkozy's aides scrambled later to say the French official had been referring to arrests among the broader Islamic movement, not the London bombers. But the dispute seemed to underscore the differences, rivalries and communication glitches between European nations that hamper cooperation among them. http://iht.com/bin/print_ipub.ph.../ web.london.php
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003
"mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003
It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks
"A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten
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the G-man said: It's funny how "Paul Weller," despite having registered 10/29/04, has such an intimate knowledge of long dormant, long forgotten, threads begun by "whomod" before "Paul" registered here.

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PaulWellr said: READ POINT 4
G-Man, you do realize there is a search engine here do you not? I searched for this old story thinking it'd lead me to the Iraq thread. This one popped up instead.

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G-Man, does speculation on whether i'm "whomod" or not have ANYTHING to do with the issue at hand?
If not then you're a hypocrite for allowing MrJLA and his graemlins to substitute for the topic at hand and not deleting or moving it, as is your habit.
But judging by the animosity you hold here by anyone not blindly loyal to the Bush Administration and your talking points on their behalf, I think people already know that.
Or do you only delete posts from people who disagree with you?
Rack me JLA. Rack me. 
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003
"mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003
It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks
"A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten
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"Hey this is PCG342's bro..." 15000+ posts
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PaulWellr said:

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?" [center] ![[Linked Image from i13.photobucket.com]](http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a275/captainsammitch/boards/banners/blogban3.jpg) [/center] [center] ![[Linked Image from i13.photobucket.com]](http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a275/captainsammitch/boards/banners/jlamiska.jpg) [/center]
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ABC News:
London Bombers Tied to Al Qaeda Plot in Pakistan
Connection to Al Qaeda Plot in Pakistan
Officials tell ABC News the London bombers have been connected to an al Qaeda plot planned two years ago in the Pakistani city of Lahore.
The laptop computer of Naeem Noor Khan, a captured al Qaeda leader, contained plans for a coordinated series of attacks on the London subway system, as well as on financial buildings in both New York and Washington.
"There's absolutely no doubt he was part of an al Qaeda operation aimed at not only the United States but Great Britain," explained Alexis Debat, a former official in the French Defense Ministry who is now a senior terrorism consultant for ABC News.
At the time, authorities thought they had foiled the London subway plot by arresting more than a dozen young Britons of Pakistani descent last August in Luton, a city known for its ties to terrorism.
"For some time, the locus of terrorism in Britain has been around the Luton area and in some of the northern cities," said Michael Clark, professor of defense at King's College in London.
Security officials tell ABC News they have discovered links between the eldest of the London bombers, Mohammed Sadique Khan, 30, and the original group in Luton. Officials also believe it was not a coincidence the subway bombers all met at the Luton train station last week.
Sorry G-Man, it's no longer idle "Bush hating" speculation. The Bush Administration, by exposing Khan right before the DNC convention, is directly responsible for botching an investigation that would have prevented the London bombings. The connection to Khan is there. Blood is on your idols hands.
The pattern that is emerging here is one of political advantage trumping all other considerations. Screwing up the Brit's terror investigation for Bushy's political advantage is immoral, grotesque, and if not treasonous, well, it's grounds for Blair to punch Georgie in the mouth. And it goes to show that all these political games and machinations have real and grave consequences. Consequences of which these Republicans care nothing about.
Please, for the sake of justice for the victims of “7/7”, click here and sign the petition demanding a full Senate investigation of this most serious matter. Pass it on as well.
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003
"mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003
It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks
"A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten
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PaulWellr said: do you only delete posts from people who disagree with you?
Your posts, as well as "whomod's," are all still here, arent they?
My off hand comment about you being whomod was immediately followed by pointing out that you still hadn't proven a link between what the Bush administration "allegedly" did. That was on topic. You're the one who then "protesteth" said off hand comment so vehemently.
In any event....you still haven't proven anything.
At best you've proven there was a connection between the groups. Or even that the recent bombings were carried out by former members of the original group. You MIGHT have demonstrated that the British police MIGHT have caught them two years ago if the Bush administration had done things differently.
But anything beyond that is speculation.
And your "add {fill in blank] to the list of Bush haters" point is meaningless also. That person did NOT say "this was Bush's fault. That person said "this was MY fault."
Again, your're drawing conclusions that are, at best, speculative and at worst demonstrative of a biased need to tie EVERYTHING bad to Bush.
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just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in
PaulWellr said:
The pattern that is emerging here is one of political advantage trumping all other considerations. Screwing up the Brit's terror investigation for Bushy's political advantage is immoral, grotesque, and if not treasonous, well, it's grounds for Blair to punch Georgie in the mouth.
first and foremost,
secondly, please be forewarned, i'll readily admit that i have been out of the political game for quite some time, and that the information above, and information relating to the london attacks, are sketchy to me, at best (that is, "sketchy" in that i don't know the details, not that i feel there's a coverup or conspiracy or that one of the beatles actually died in a car accident years prior to their final few records)
now. mr wellr. do you honestly believe that the bush admin and company are so very corrupt and maliciously toned that they'd purposely screw their photo-op-best-pal country, not to mention recklessly allow the slaughter of innocent londoners?
certainly, i'm more than ready and willing to admit that its possible errors have been made in the past few years regarding various terrorist prevention activities. how many and how severe, like beauty, depends on the eye of the beholder.
but retroactively pointing out a potential mistake because the pieces may possibly fit after the puzzle is together... i dunno... it just doesn't seem very CSI of you. hell, i wouldn't even give it matlock!
is there a connection or tie in? thats possible. im not debating that. as said, i honestly don't know the story or the intracacies of the details.
but the slant that you're taking seems accusationally thick and extraneous, to say the least.
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let me clarify then. Quote:
G-Man, does speculation on whether i'm "whomod" or not have ANYTHING to do with the issue at hand?
If not then you're a hypocrite for allowing MrJLA and his graemlins to substitute for the topic at hand and not deleting or moving it, as is your habit.
But judging by the animosity you hold here by anyone not blindly loyal to the Bush Administration and your talking points on their behalf, I think people already know that.
Or do you only delete OFF TOPIC posts from people who disagree with you?
Leave it to a lawyer to quibble the obvious because it isn't spelled out to the letter.
And since MrJLA's OFF TOPIC posts are still there, it means you're full of shite.
On your other point. People are still dead regardless of whether you can justify Bush blowing a covert Al Queda mole or not.
You're just quibbling details everywhere to justify your idols criminal actions.
David Blunkett expressed regret that he wasn't able to do more to save the victims. Why wasn't he able to do more? Oh because his mole that was allowing him to do just that was exposed by your Administration and some of the conspirators escaped!! God!
You have absolutely no shame in defending criminality. Lawyer indeed.
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003
"mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003
It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks
"A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten
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People are dead because a tsunami in the south pacific too.
You might as well argue that "Bush did not do enough about global warming. Global warming caused the tsunami. The tsunami killed people. Most of the people killed in Indnesia were Muslim. Bush has declared war on Muslim countries before. Therefore, people are dead because of Bush."
Coincidence is not cause and effect. It doesn't take a lawyer to see that.
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betrayal and collapse 5000+ posts
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Oh my gosh! 
...you tell stories, we tell lies.
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This Scott Bateman cartoon is still hanging in by cube:
and this cartoon is quite informative
Live and Let Leak 8/12/04
So let me get all of this straight:
Specifically, Al Qaeda presence in the town of Ludon was being investigated. Specifically, a plan for an attack on the London subway had been discovered. This particular investigation is the one that Bush's Homeland Security Department disrupted in order to dull the spike in the polls that a party convention usually receives.
Our homeland security department revealed the name of Khan, an Al Qaeda mole. That tipped-off the Al Qaeda community in Britain, leading to a car chase. The roundup was not comprehensive because of the tipoff.
The 7/7 terrorists are directly connected to Khan and to Ludon England.

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. --Will Rogers
"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." - George W. Bush
I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice
Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor
To comfort the powerless and make the powerful uncomfortable.
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Is that cartoon supposed to be funny?
'cause it's not.
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no. It's not at all funny.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. --Will Rogers
"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." - George W. Bush
I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice
Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor
To comfort the powerless and make the powerful uncomfortable.
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my posts always get ignored.  i do miss you, whomod!
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the G-man said: Sigh....
Coincidence is not cause and effect. It doesn't take a lawyer to see that.
Where did you go to law school and where were you in your class? Is there some other reason you work for the Feds and not Davis, Polk & Wardwell? 
The G-man says: You are GOOD
r3x29yz4a is my hero!
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I think the average Davis Polk attorney also recognizes that coincidence does not equal cause and effect. In fact, they probably also took the class that discussed the need to be able to recognize the difference between coincidence and proximate cause.
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the G-man said: I think the average Davis Polk attorney also recognizes that coincidence does not equal cause and effect. In fact, they probably also took the class that discussed the need to be able to recognize the difference between coincidence and proximate cause.
Nice move! Rack for G-man!
The G-man says: You are GOOD
r3x29yz4a is my hero!
rex says I'm a commie, asshole, fag!
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In reviewing the arguments of the "Paul Wellrs" of the thread, it seems that their premise boils to the following: "An act of Bush (actually his employee) led to a suspected terrorist, or terrorists, going free; said terrorist(s) later were involved in a new crime, which resulted in individual(s) dying; therefore, Bush is directly responsible for the deaths of said individual(s)."
In other words, they are arguing that anyone whos actions free a suspected criminal is guilty of that criminal's future crimes.
If we accept that premise, then they should also be against the ACLU and every criminal defense lawyer in America. After all, the ACLU often takes cases that will result in the freeing of a suspected criminal. If that suspect later commits a new crime, by their logic, the ACLU is directly responsible for those crimes. Therefore, to be intellectually consistent, whomod, Paul, Id, et al, must argue AGAINST the ACLU.
In fact, if we accept their premise then they need to support the detention center at Gitmo. After all, many, if not all, of the detainees are suspected or potential terrorists. If we allow them to go free, they COULD commit a crime. So allowing them to go free would make us responsible for their future crimes. Therefore, whomod, Paul, Id, and anyone else abscribing blame to Bush for the London attacks, in order to be intellectally consistent, must now argue IN FAVOR of Gitmo.
Furthermore, the case against the ACLU and IN FAVOR of Gitmo is actually stronger than the case against Bush.
In Bush's case, there was clearly no intent. Even if we accept the whomod premise, it is clear that the actions of the Bush administration were inadvertent and not specificially designed to allow suspected terrorist to go free. After all, the suspected terrorists were not RELEASED by Bush. And the British government, by Paul's own admission, was on its way to get them when the escaped.
In the case of the ACLU/Gitmo opponents, the intent is clear: to release a suspected criminal, in order to preserve his or her rights.
Therefore, in order to attack Bush for inadvertently and indirectly causing a suspected terrorist to go free, an intellectally consistent person MUST attack the ACLU/Gitmo opponents for intentionally and purposefully causing such persons to go free.
Of course, none of them are likely to do so. In fact, each of them is likely to continue to call Gitmo a concentration camp, and continue to send their annual donation to the ACLU.
As such, one can only speculate, once again, as to whether the actual motiviation is anything other than the latest round in the game of "blame Bush."
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"Hey this is PCG342's bro..." 15000+ posts
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unrestrained id said:
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unrestrained id said: no. It's not at all funny.
Wich ironically is the goal of most liberal humor.
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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MisterJLA said:
unrestrained id said:

Can JLA Rack himself? If so that's at least 1,500!
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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the G-man said:
In reviewing the arguments of the "Paul Wellrs" of the thread, it seems that their premise boils to the following: "An act of Bush (actually his employee) led to a suspected terrorist, or terrorists, going free; said terrorist(s) later were involved in a new crime, which resulted in individual(s) dying; therefore, Bush is directly responsible for the deaths of said individual(s)."
In other words, they are arguing that anyone whos actions free a suspected criminal is guilty of that criminal's future crimes.
If we accept that premise, then they should also be against the ACLU and every criminal defense lawyer in America. After all, the ACLU often takes cases that will result in the freeing of a suspected criminal. If that suspect later commits a new crime, by their logic, the ACLU is directly responsible for those crimes. Therefore, to be intellectually consistent, whomod, Paul, Id, et al, must argue AGAINST the ACLU.
In fact, if we accept their premise then they need to support the detention center at Gitmo. After all, many, if not all, of the detainees are suspected or potential terrorists. If we allow them to go free, they COULD commit a crime. So allowing them to go free would make us responsible for their future crimes. Therefore, whomod, Paul, Id, and anyone else abscribing blame to Bush for the London attacks, in order to be intellectally consistent, must now argue IN FAVOR of Gitmo.
Furthermore, the case against the ACLU and IN FAVOR of Gitmo is actually stronger than the case against Bush.
In Bush's case, there was clearly no intent. Even if we accept the whomod premise, it is clear that the actions of the Bush administration were inadvertent and not specificially designed to allow suspected terrorist to go free. After all, the suspected terrorists were not RELEASED by Bush. And the British government, by Paul's own admission, was on its way to get them when the escaped.
In the case of the ACLU/Gitmo opponents, the intent is clear: to release a suspected criminal, in order to preserve his or her rights.
Therefore, in order to attack Bush for inadvertently and indirectly causing a suspected terrorist to go free, an intellectally consistent person MUST attack the ACLU/Gitmo opponents for intentionally and purposefully causing such persons to go free.
Of course, none of them are likely to do so. In fact, each of them is likely to continue to call Gitmo a concentration camp, and continue to send their annual donation to the ACLU.
As such, one can only speculate, once again, as to whether the actual motiviation is anything other than the latest round in the game of "blame Bush."
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betrayal and collapse 5000+ posts
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Why'd you quote yourself, dude? That's like calling double-dribble on a retarded kid...
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the G-man said:
the G-man said:
In reviewing the arguments of the "Paul Wellrs" of the thread, it seems that their premise boils to the following: "An act of Bush (actually his employee) led to a suspected terrorist, or terrorists, going free; said terrorist(s) later were involved in a new crime, which resulted in individual(s) dying; therefore, Bush is directly responsible for the deaths of said individual(s)."
In other words, they are arguing that anyone whos actions free a suspected criminal is guilty of that criminal's future crimes.
If we accept that premise, then they should also be against the ACLU and every criminal defense lawyer in America. After all, the ACLU often takes cases that will result in the freeing of a suspected criminal. If that suspect later commits a new crime, by their logic, the ACLU is directly responsible for those crimes. Therefore, to be intellectually consistent, whomod, Paul, Id, et al, must argue AGAINST the ACLU.
In fact, if we accept their premise then they need to support the detention center at Gitmo. After all, many, if not all, of the detainees are suspected or potential terrorists. If we allow them to go free, they COULD commit a crime. So allowing them to go free would make us responsible for their future crimes. Therefore, whomod, Paul, Id, and anyone else abscribing blame to Bush for the London attacks, in order to be intellectally consistent, must now argue IN FAVOR of Gitmo.
Furthermore, the case against the ACLU and IN FAVOR of Gitmo is actually stronger than the case against Bush.
In Bush's case, there was clearly no intent. Even if we accept the whomod premise, it is clear that the actions of the Bush administration were inadvertent and not specificially designed to allow suspected terrorist to go free. After all, the suspected terrorists were not RELEASED by Bush. And the British government, by Paul's own admission, was on its way to get them when the escaped.
In the case of the ACLU/Gitmo opponents, the intent is clear: to release a suspected criminal, in order to preserve his or her rights.
Therefore, in order to attack Bush for inadvertently and indirectly causing a suspected terrorist to go free, an intellectally consistent person MUST attack the ACLU/Gitmo opponents for intentionally and purposefully causing such persons to go free.
Of course, none of them are likely to do so. In fact, each of them is likely to continue to call Gitmo a concentration camp, and continue to send their annual donation to the ACLU.
As such, one can only speculate, once again, as to whether the actual motiviation is anything other than the latest round in the game of "blame Bush."
Willie Horton
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However, the Willie Horton incident was an example of a flawed government policy. Furthermore, the people who criticized Dukakis for that policy were the same people who support the locking of people at Gitmo as a policy.
Therefore, there is no inconsistency.