Amazing how real live mirrors
fiction :
Herr Ashcroft issued another one of his phony terrorist warnings today.

Take a good look at this photo. Notice how all the "suspects" seem to look..oh, I don't know...MIDDLE EASTERN? Notice how their skin seems to be a little DARK? Notice how they all seem to have the same types of names? What does that tell you?
You got it, GEORGE BUSH IS A RACIST BIGOT!!! Where are the white guys in this wild west "wanted poster"? Where's the mugshot of my gramma? Gramma gets felt up at airport security all the time...she must have terrorist connections. When are the jackbooted thugs going to drag her off to Abu Ghraib?
Obviously, Bush is trying to stir-up hatred against Muslim Americans by enforcing the stereotype that all terrorists are dark-skinned Arab males with smoking sneakers. As Michael Moore will tell you, the vast majority of terrorists are white males who drive SUV's and listen to Rush Limbaugh. But Bushie just won't be satisfied until muslims are hunted like dogs and forced to wear women's undies over their heads.
Personally, I'd prefer he'd keep these silly warnings to himself, anyway - at least until an actual attack occurs. Then he can explain to us why he didn't bother warning anyone about it.