cobra kai 15000+ posts
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just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in
PaulWellr said:
The pattern that is emerging here is one of political advantage trumping all other considerations. Screwing up the Brit's terror investigation for Bushy's political advantage is immoral, grotesque, and if not treasonous, well, it's grounds for Blair to punch Georgie in the mouth.
first and foremost,
secondly, please be forewarned, i'll readily admit that i have been out of the political game for quite some time, and that the information above, and information relating to the london attacks, are sketchy to me, at best (that is, "sketchy" in that i don't know the details, not that i feel there's a coverup or conspiracy or that one of the beatles actually died in a car accident years prior to their final few records)
now. mr wellr. do you honestly believe that the bush admin and company are so very corrupt and maliciously toned that they'd purposely screw their photo-op-best-pal country, not to mention recklessly allow the slaughter of innocent londoners?
certainly, i'm more than ready and willing to admit that its possible errors have been made in the past few years regarding various terrorist prevention activities. how many and how severe, like beauty, depends on the eye of the beholder.
but retroactively pointing out a potential mistake because the pieces may possibly fit after the puzzle is together... i dunno... it just doesn't seem very CSI of you. hell, i wouldn't even give it matlock!
is there a connection or tie in? thats possible. im not debating that. as said, i honestly don't know the story or the intracacies of the details.
but the slant that you're taking seems accusationally thick and extraneous, to say the least.
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