let me clarify then.


G-Man, does speculation on whether i'm "whomod" or not have ANYTHING to do with the issue at hand?

If not then you're a hypocrite for allowing MrJLA and his graemlins to substitute for the topic at hand and not deleting or moving it, as is your habit.

But judging by the animosity you hold here by anyone not blindly loyal to the Bush Administration and your talking points on their behalf, I think people already know that.

Or do you only delete OFF TOPIC posts from people who disagree with you?

Leave it to a lawyer to quibble the obvious because it isn't spelled out to the letter.

And since MrJLA's OFF TOPIC posts are still there, it means you're full of shite.

On your other point. People are still dead regardless of whether you can justify Bush blowing a covert Al Queda mole or not.

You're just quibbling details everywhere to justify your idols criminal actions.

David Blunkett expressed regret that he wasn't able to do more to save the victims. Why wasn't he able to do more? Oh because his mole that was allowing him to do just that was exposed by your Administration and some of the conspirators escaped!! God!

You have absolutely no shame in defending criminality. Lawyer indeed.

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003 "mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003 It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks "A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten