Cap'n Sammitch
I have
got to come up with a better handle.

Anyway, my character is pretty much an amalgamation of my three favorite wrestlers - Benoit, Jericho, and Edge. Hopefully I won't screw this up too much.
- Clothing: For now, blue warmup pants with white trim, a Colts away jersey with Peyton's number and name on the back but with the sleeves cut off, and white and blue New Balance basketball shoes. For hardcore matches, the Cap'n carries either a martial-arts staff or a policeman's truncheon.
- Entrance Music: Again, for now... 'Let's Get it Started' by Black Eyed Peas.
- Moveset: A mishmash of different styles; usually basic moves like Edge's with a very strong and technically solid mat game like Benoit's, but occasional high-flying moves like Edge's or Jericho's. The Cap'n's too big to be a lightweight, really, but not a heavyweight either, so he depends on speed, agility, and thinking one step ahead of his opponents. In hardcore matches, he prefers a martial-arts staff to other weapons, and he knows how to use it rather well. If that's broken or taken away, he's not afraid to get up close and personal with a cop's nightstick, and he can improvise weapons using just about anything. He can absorb a lot of punishment and keep on going.
- Signature moves: Submission - the Sammitch Submission (basically the Walls of Jericho); Finisher - the Sammitch Slam (a top-rope powerbomb finisher formerly known as the BBW Bomb
); Potential finishers and occasional signature moves - the Sammitch Spin (a 360° spinning kick that can potentially connect several times), the Sammitch Supplex (a cross-body German supplex that can be repeated), and the Staff Meeting (a hardcore-match move involving a flurry of strikes with the martial-arts staff from all sides). More to come?
- Group affiliation: Workin' on it...
- Persona: Pretty much a face all around, similar to a more recent Benoit, but not afraid to make a little mischief a la Jericho, and definitely not afraid to make himself heard on the mike.