Entrance theme: "Stone Cold Crazy" by Queen (recently changed from "Dope Nose" by Weezer")
Attire: Cargo shorts and a t-shirt. The t-shirts almost always has a cartoon character on it. The rest is pretty standard wrestling gear; boots, knee pads, elbow pads and fingerless gloves. He also wears a cheap mask, the type that can easily be bought at a party supply store. He's a little small for a heavyweight, but he's too big to be a true lightweight.
Fighting style: Surprisingly, he seems to have some martial arts training and he uses Tae Kwon Do style kicks and hand strikes when he's being serious. The rest is traditonal wrestling with some daredevil tactics thrown in. his high flying comes more from an ability to take damage than from any real skill.
Signature moves:
Death Chop 2000: A chop off the top rope to the top of a standing foe's head. Not extremely effective but the kids love it.
Cobra Roll: a half twisting moonsault leg drop off the top rope. Just before he jumps he yells "Cobra!" like on the old GI Joe cartoon. It's the sort of move where he does it, he tries to pin but the pther guy kicks out and the announcer says "OH MY GAWD! HOW DID HE KICK OUT AFTER THAT?!"
Reverse Monkey Death Drop: A spinning version of Nova's Kryptonite Krunch (also known as Emerald Fusion #2 in Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain). Usually acts as the setup for...
The Deadly Knee Drop...OF DEATH! His usual finisher. Like the People's Elbow only with a knee drop at the end.
Persona: Drifts between comic heel and goofy anti-hero. Sort of a cross between Chris Jericho and Mankind during the Rock N' Sock days.
*Edit* added a signature move that I forgot to include and some details about when he usually does his signature moves
Last edited by NotWedge; 2004-09-06 9:01 PM.