I told Q. T. not to pour his cham-Pan-ya on Debbie's dress. Great party.
Louie Bastardo
Occupation: manager, maker of champions, film producer
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: Hey, so I like to eat, okay? What's it to ya?
Hair: I keep it slicked back on my head. And cut short. There is no truth to the rumor that I color it in or that I have a bald spot. These are vile lies spread by those who are jealous of my fame and fortune.
Appearance: Bright, colorful hawaiian shirts open to my hairy chest, with a gold medallion around my neck. Tan slacks and black loafers. You know, classy.
I have come here to make stars and champions, baby! Let Louie Bastardo take you all the way to the top!
Louie Bastardo is a sleazy heel manager. Sort of a cross between Danny DeVito's usual sleazy roles and say, Bobby Heenan. Something like that. He's always accompanied by his statuesque blonde secretary, Grace. He's looking for people to manage.